2: Strip it, Steve

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The Avengers were all gathered around in the living room. It was finally some family time. Everyone was here: Tony, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Thor, Pietro, Wanda, Vision, Bucky and even Peter. They all decided to play Truth and Dare while waiting for their McDonald's.

The bottle was twisted by Clint as it landed on Peter first and foremost.

"Alright! Parker, Truth or Dare?" Clint rubbed his hands together as mischief poured down from every expression on his face.

"Truth" Peter instantly regretted saying that as he heard Tony's voice from behind him where he was sitting on the sofa.

"Who's MJ?" Tony spoke up.

"Ooh. Parkers got a girlfriend?" Pietro smirked as he teased Peter who had turned as red as a tomato.

"N-no. She's not my girlfriend. S-she's just a g-good f-friend" Peter stuttered in embarrassment as everyone laughed.

"Alright, kid. Calm down" Tony laughed as he patted Peter's back.

"Let's spin!" This time the spin landed on Natasha who just looked up eye to eye at everyone confidently as she said "Truth"

"How many times have you frickle frackled with 'The Hulk'?" This time Steve spoke up as Bruce gasped and Natasha shook her head at Steve, a small smile enamoring her perfect peach-red lips.

"Ooh, Cap has a tongue!" Tony said from besides Steve.

"If I slept even for once with the Hulk, i wouldn't be sitting here with you, douchebags" Natasha answered sassily as everyone laughed.

"Yayy. Girl Power!" Wanda yelled playfully as everyone laughed.

Another spin and this time, it landed on Steve!

"Now, Capsicle. We know all truths about you so it's better you choose Dare" Tony spoke up looking at Steve. Damn, he had beautiful eyes, thought Tony. Control yourself, Stark!

"Uh alright. Dare" Steve finally gave in.

"YES!" Clint yelled as he did a little happy dance "Jarvis, play Strip it Down" he continued as he looked at Steve with malicious eyes.

"Wait- What? No. Is it what I think it is?" Steve looked mortified as everyone tried containing their laughs.

"Yes, Captain. You've to strip dance for us!" This time it was Natasha smiling evilly. She's getting her revenge!

Steve's eyes instantly went to look at Tony who was doing something on his phone. Ohmygawd, Steve cannot strip in front of Tony! It's already been hell sitting besides him all this time!

"C'mon, Captain. Don't be a wuss" Thor said.

"A-alright" his answer seemed to have grabbed Tony's attention as he looked up from his phone. Steve isn't going to strip, now is he? No, please. It'll be too hard for Tony!

Let it fade to black,
Let me run my fingers down your back

"Cap, you better be quick. The song's started to play" Vision spoke up as Tony's eyes widened. No shit.

Steve was wearing a cardigan, a shirt and a vest and beneath it a jeans and some carpet slippers. What was their to strip out of?

Let's whisper,
Let's dont talk

Steve started nervous but then he saw Tonys expressions and all of a sudden, felt his confidence boosting. Lets make someone twitch, shall we? He smirked as he started making seductive faces and started moaning with the words.

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