jealous; jinyoung

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you rearranged the bouquet of flowers in your hand as you skipped happily to the backstage.

it had been a wonderful night; sitting with the fans as the boys put up an amazing concert for everyone.

you had bought flowers specially for your boyfriend and you were excited to finally meet him.

turning the corner to where you had asked him to meet you, you immediately stopped in your tracks when you saw who he was with.

you couldn't remember her name clearly, but you knew it was one of jinyoung's co-stars in his recent dramas.

you gulped when you saw the girl giving him the EXACT SAME bouquet of flowers you were holding.


you thought not.

weren't they just merely co-stars? why were they acting so close to each other as if they were the ones dating?

you felt yourself slowly overcoming with jealousy as you watched them wrap their arms around each other and laugh heartily-


you broke into a scream as you turned around abruptly.

bambam covered your mouth with his hands quickly, his thick lips upturned into a cheeky grin.

"what's wrong with you bam?" you questioned, glaring daggers at him.

"nothing," he smiled, "i'm just really happy to see you here tonight."

"who are those flowers for-" he asked, but you cut him off by shoving the flowers in his face.

"for you." you replied simply.


jinyoung didn't need the flowers anymore, since SOMEONE already gave him one.

might as well give it to your best friend,

who CLEARLY appreciates you more.

"oh- are you sure? thanks then." bambam grinned, taking the flowers from you as he embraced you in a warm hug.

you wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his chest.

as you secretly hoped that jinyoung was watching this right now.

and indeed he was, but you hadn't known.


jinyoung watched the interaction between you and bambam, his heart immediately going sour.


"look guys! (y/n) gave me flowers!"

you rolled your eyes at your best friend's proud exclamation to the other members.

"that's not fair (y/n), why didn't i receive any flowers?" mark questioned, shooting you a 'pained expression' as he put his hand to his heart dramatically.

"i also want flowers!" youngjae shouted, causing the rest of the boys to break into a ruckus.

except jinyoung,

who just stood there quietly, his bouquet of flowers neatly laid on the table.

"oh hyung, who gave you those flowers?" yugyeom asked suddenly.

the whole room went quiet as everybody turned their attention to jinyoung.

"its none of your business." jinyoung said, causing all the members to start teasing him.

"is it your mystery girlfriend?" jackson joked.

your heart sank.

you couldn't blame any one of them, after all, you and jinyoung had chose to keep your relationship between yourselves only.

having had enough of hearing about jinyoung's "secret admirer", you stomped out of the room, exiting the backstage for some air.

"pft what secret admirer. excuse me, i'm his GIRLFRIEND." you mumbled under your breath.

"of course you are." a voice from behind you spoke.

without turning around, you knew who it was, and you absolutely didn't want to face him now.

"oh (y/n), and like all the other boys, i was wondering why i didn't receive any flowers from you. excuse me, i'm your BOYFRIEND you know." jinyoung snapped in a somewhat rude manner, causing you to flinch.

"i didn't think you needed more flowers, someone already gave you a bouquet." you reasoned calmly, trying not to let your anger get the best out of you.

"well, its different getting flowers from your co-star and your girlfriend." jinyoung replied.

"but you were too busy.. having fun with her." you stated, turning around and folding your arms over your chest.

"having fun?" jinyoung questioned, "we were only- wait, were you watching?"

"obviously." you muttered.

"it was just a friendly hug," jinyoung replied, "weren't you and bambam hugging too?"

"but you clearly know that i only treat him as a friend." you mumbled.

"fine, i'm sorry okay?" jinyoung apologised, taking a step closer to you.

"yea, i'm sorry too." you sighed.

it was all on you for getting so jealous.

"were you jealous?" jinyoung chuckled, pushing your hair behind your ear gently.

"what do you think?" you asked, as you rolled your eyes, though you couldn't help but smile too.

"i think you were, because you're in love with me." jinyoung whispered, pulling you into his arms.

"blah blah blah." you muttered playfully.

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