"not wearing a dress" Keith asked as he stood next to Pidge near the corner of the room

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"not wearing a dress" Keith asked as he stood next to Pidge near the corner of the room. "well everyone but you still thinks I'm a guy, i think if i wore a dress that might give me away" Pidge smiled back. "i guess your right but i was kinda hoping to see you in a cute dress" Keith said with a small smile. "you were" Pidge blushed. "well y-yeah, i thought you might um look cute" Keith said embarrassed and blushed. "t-thanks" Pidge said looking away to hide her blush. 

"did we just miss a dirty joke or what" Lance said with a smirk as he and hunk walked over to fins the two blushing. "ur ah um no, we um just saw a couple making out when coming here" Pidge lied and rubbed her neck. "no way, people are already making out" hunk said shocked. "um yeah, it was a little awkward since we had to go pass them and well you walked in just after we arrived" Keith lied. "yeah that would be awkward for anyone who just passing by, i guess they moved spots since we didnt see anyone making out" Lance smiled. "yeah guess they wouldn't stay there after we had to ask them to move so we could pass" Pidge smiled. "yeah anyone would stop after that" hunk laughed. "anyone want something to drink, i head over to the table and get some" keith asked trying to move on from the lie. "sure, i have some lemonade please" Pidge smiled brightly. "i have some coke but i come and help you carry these guys drinks" hunk smiled. "i have cherryade thanks, me and Pidge will go find our unit table" Lance smiled and the four split up.

"so seen anyone you wanna date" Lance smirked and Pidge blushed. "why would you ask that" Pidge said embarrassed. "becuase you just blushed, so who the lucky person" Lance grinned as they found their unit table. "i dont have anyone like that, you the flirty one in our group" Pidge pouted back. "yeah and i tell everyone who I'm crushing on, so you do you like" lance grinned. "i dont know if i like like them" Pidge said embarrassed. "well who the guy or girl, I'm guessing your Bio like me" Lance smiled. "i guess" pidge lied since she couldn't really say she was straight and might be crushing on a guy when acting as a guy. "so who is this guy" Lance smirked and Pidge blushed. "not telling" Pidge said embarrassed. 

"not telling what" shiro asked as he join the table. "shiro, how much did you hear" pidge asked embarrassed. "the not telling, so what did you do now" shiro asked with a worried smile. "a certain little guy here might have a crush but wont give a name" Lance grinned. "lance" pidge yelled and playfully slapped his arm. "hey" lance laughed. 

"what did lance do to get hit" keith asked with a grin as he sat by Pidge and passed her drink while hunk sat between shiro and lance. So pidge sat by the wall with keith on her left and shiro on his left with hunk on his left and lance on his left who was on Pidge right side. "dont you dare" Pidge warned lance. "pidge has a crush" shiro smirked. "shiro" Pidge yelled shocked. "hey, you warned lance not me" Shiro grinned. "shiro is now my favourite person" lance grinned and Pidge pouted. "aww dont pout Pidge, everyone gets a crush" keith smirked and patted pidge head. "oh really then who your crush Mr loner" Lance smirked making keith blush a little and shocking everyone. "no way, you really have one" hunk said excited. "lance your now my second favourite person" Pidge said with a grin and turned to the blushing keith. "do we know the person" hunk asked with a smile. "not telling" keith pouted making them all laugh.

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