if the angels call your name

Start from the beginning

"Robert, what he say?" he was anxious about something.

"Nothing. I just congratulations and he said thanks."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nun," he shook his head.

"Keem?" I caught his attention again.

"Just nothing Ken. I'll see y'all at Parks ight."

"Alright.." I watched him walk away from me. Heading in the same direction Rob went.

"You good sis?" Yasmin came into view.

"I'm— I'm good. Hey maybe we should go somewhere else to celebrate. How bout Ihop?"


"I don't know Yas, I just got a feeling we should try sum different today."

"Ihop ain't Parks though. We can try sum different another night."

"I guess."

"You sure you okay?" She looked in my face for a sign, "He giving you problems?" she whispered looking down at my stomach.

I wasn't showing. But he indeed was a he. Yas and I had gone for a checkup about a week ago. My baby was healthy but still a secret. I'd tell Jayo tonight. I promised myself.

I forced a smile, "No he's good. I'll see you there then."

She nodded. I watched as she grabbed Melo's. She used her tippy toes to reach his ear. Then together they made their way out of the gymnasium.

I turned my attention to Jayo. He shook hands with a man I didn't know before he made his way over to me.

"Baby who's that?" I asked.

"UCLA coach. He said he's interested in me." Jayo was happy. This would be his fifth offer if it pulled through.

This boy had a field of opportunities ahead of him. Now why would I want to take that away?

"I'm so proud of you J." I repeated. And I pray he trusted that. I'd be at peace if I knew he trusted that.

"Imma make it for us, I promise." he told me. And I know he meant that.

As I drove to Parks, Jayo rapped along to the songs of his 'dub' playlist. He was so happy. As was I.

Regardless of what we had going on and even what was to come in that moment we were so happy.

After parking, I watched as his hand reached for the door handle.

"Wait, it's something I need to tell you."

"Mhm." he turned to me.

"Ion know how to say this."

"It's me Ken." he assured me, taking my hand in his.

So I told him everything. I told him I was pregnant and that it'd be a baby boy. I told him I still wanted him to go to college and that I had a plan to get a few jobs and have the baby stay with Alicia while she's on maternity leave.

He processed all that I said, and he simply told me "I love you."

For the last time.

"I don't want you to feel like you ever have to do something alone."

"You're not mad?" I asked him.

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