Our Only Need

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     Everyone has a need to survive, and Jesus completes your needs, small to large. Some times, you don't need something large, or miraculous. Maybe you just need a little Jesus, maybe just a crumb. Jesus can help you with that, but remember, God works on His time. Remember, when He comes, He will be right on time.

Scripture: Matthew 15:21-22

Hello everyone! First of all thanks for reading, I have some news. This is the last part of Little Sermons, I've been so happy to work on this and I hope it brought something to you.  I am made a Little Sermons 2, it is very similar to the first book, except it will have a regular updating schedule, one chapter every Sunday! I would be honored if you read that book as well and I really hope you enjoy it~
Thanks again, for everything, and have a blessed day!

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