He is Alive!

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     Jesus is special, one of a kind, better than any man who set foot on earth, or women for that matter. Anyone who knew or knows Jesus is aware of His difference. He has power of love, of life, and of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is wonderful, He is still our King of kings, our star back home, our friend among friends, and He is still alive. The God that we seve, Father of all who live and have lived, is everlasting, all powerful, all forgiving, and ALL loving. Our God can handle anything and everything, and never turns His back on us. For He loves us with the biggest heart ever known. Forever and Ever, Amen.

Know that: God will be by your side.

                        He will dry your tears, and give you victory.

                        The God that we serve is alive.

Scriptures: Luke 24: 4-8

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