I Admire God (Part 2)

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     One day I decided I wanted my self esteem, and my overall health to rise. I needed help. I turned away from all the people and things that made me feel worse about myself and turned to God for help. As I began praying, confessing, and reading about my situation in the Bible, I learned all about God's acceptance, love, and strength. These were all the things in which I needed to regain my health. Through my relationship with God, I was able to be healthy again, not let certain people and events affect me, and not only reach my previous health state, but reach higher than it originally was.

     God provided values for me to be a better person. After my connection to God was at its highest peak, I began to change my character for the better. As I listened to more sermons, prayed, read the Bible, learned and experienced recent miracles from God, and began other ways to connect myself to God I wanted to continue with God. Before my connection was at its highest, I considered myself to be a decent person but yet, I did not understand or have qualities to deem myself even a decent person. Though I was at times honest, I was not religiously so, and still twisted the truth to help me in  situations I could see no way out of, this behavior was often used with my other morals. I realized I could not really follow these values and be true if I only followed them halfway. The values from God that I learned were honesty, respect, humility, and thankfulness.

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