chapter 8 - YOUR POV

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It has been awhile since I saw this douches face. The guy who had completely ruined my life. The guy I lost all my friends because of. The guy who said he loved me but never did. And the guy who made me look like a lier and monster when in reality it was all him.

2 years ago
Haemin Chang. My physco ex. Somehow I fell in love with this guy. I was blinded by my love and didn't question all his wrongdoings. He was always with other girls and if I ever questioned it he would threaten me aswell as yell and sometimes even hurt me. This guy scared me

One day I decided it was enough no matter how scared I was so to it I needed to break up with him. So I did..
he told everyone I had been cheating on him and he spread the worst rumours you could think of.
He is one of the main reasons I was alone in high school. The amount of pain this guy caused in my life is ridiculous..

And the moment when I saw him again for the first time in years. I couldn't help but feel something. All the memories came back all the tears, all the bullying and how much I was hurt.
He was with another girl . Of course.

I was finally happy. I had found people who cared about me. I can't let this guy ruin it again..

All of a sudden Felix looked at Chan and then Chan took my hand and dragged me out of tHe restaurant.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he was dragging me along side of him.

"Somewhere" He said.

All of a sudden Haemin spotted me and chan and decided to come up to us.
Chan was trying to speed walk away from him but Haemin ended up catching up to us.

"Well well if it isn't old Y/N" he said as I looked down
"Yah, just leave her alone, we don't want any trouble." Chan said I'm a protecting voice
Not gonna lie that was pretty attractive Oop

"Who are you her boyfriend, obviously not because Y/N is too, hmm what's the word ah too annoying to have a boyfriend." He said

" I.. i I AM HER BOYFRIEND!" Chan said

I looked at him widening my eyes. He grabbed on my hands eying me to go with it.

Haemin looked speechless and began to mutter.

" no you're not, prove it, kiss her!" Haemin yelled.

Chan turned to me whispering that he's sorry.  He kissed my cheek with his warm lips and then put his arm around me and turned back to Haemin.
This anchovy was speechless.

"Ugh I. I um I. So you. Um. Oh okay I'm I'm gotta go now see you!" He said muttering his was back to the resteraunt. He looked angry. Really angry.

As soon as he left chan turned to me


I hugged him.

" thanks chan. It means a lot. Now that jerk won't bother anyone anymore."I said

"I didn't mean any of it yeah I Uh.." he said looking embarrassed

Ouch. I don't know why that hurt we are just friends. But it did..

" yeah yeah I know" I said
" Let's go get icecream, I owe you one" he said

So we went to get icecream. The amount of icecream I've eaten since I met chan I swear I'm going to turn cold blooded.

We talked and laughed about Hawkins reaction. I had briefly told chan about him and that's why he knew.

All of a sudden a huge bang in the sky arose

"Fireworks!" I screamed excitedly
"Let's go see them!" Chan said enthusiastically

We had a great night. Chan made me forget all about what had happened with Haemin. This is one of the great things about chan no matter what had happend he always made me laugh.
The next day
Seungmins pov

I was really bored. I mean I did have work to do. What ever you want to call it I WAS NOT PROCRASTINATING!!
I decided to text y/n

Seungmin: hey y/n what are you doing?

Y/n: not much why?

Seungmin: do you wanna go to the theme park I'm bored ( ◠‿◠ )

Y/N: oh my gosh yes!! As long as you pay for cotton candy I'm broke Oop

Seungmin: haha of course. I'll meet you outside at 12?

Y/N: okay see you then Minnie!

Your pov
Before I went to the theme park I decided to drop off to the studio and say hello to chan and jisung.

I walked in there but they both seemed pretty busy. Chan was with a girl they seemed pretty close.. He looked pretty happy with her.
I mean I don't know what I'm feeling I don't know why but I feel a bit jealous...

Anyway I shouldn't have got my hopes up. Someone like chan would never like me. He obviously likes girls like her. We are FRIENDS

So I went home and got changed. This is what I wore;

(If you don't like just imagine your own)

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(If you don't like just imagine your own)

Seungmins POV:
I arrived at the lobby and met with y/n. Gosh she looked beautiful, as always.

"YAHH you ready to get HYPEEEEEE" she screamed
"Wow you are excited" I laughed
"Yeah this is what I live for. Food and thrilling rides."
We both ended up laughing our butts off.

When we got there she immediately ran to the highest ride she could see. Well time to throw up.

After many. And I mean many rides. We went to have cotton candy. She was so happy, which made me happy.

At the end of the day we left  the park and walked back to the apartment
" ahhh my legs are saw how far to goo"she complained

"Ahh fine hop on my back you sulk" I said

She hoped on my back and I gave her a piggyback all the way home.

"Why are you so nice to me Seungmin?"

"Just because. You're nice to me. And I mean you are amazing"

A/N hey guys thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyyedd!
What do you guys want to happen next?
See you next chapterrerr

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