Rebirth ~Jasper Hale~

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Name:Ella Cameron

Age:17 Years Old

Looks/Picture:Wavy brown hair;Bright green eyes;Tan skin

Personality:Spunky,Cold,Bouncy,Sometimes Childish,Mature,Strong Willed.

History:Grew up in La Push with her brother Jared Cameron and there parents. She just recently met the Cullens after meeting Bella,She does know about her brother being A wolf,but doesn't know much about Vampires. She met Jasper after the war over Victoria and had An attatchment to him ever since.

1870 ~Jasper's POV~

I had been a vampire now for seven years and I had fallen into a routine. I tought, disciplined, led, fought, killed, and ate. Day in and day out, all around me was death. Evil, even. I was evil. I was death.

I had thought that all the way up until I met her. Not Maria, no. Her name was Yvette. She had long wavy brown hair, tan skin, and the most briliant green eyes I had ever set eyes on. She was in a small, traveling gypsy group that had gotten lost. They tried unsuccessfully to pass Maria's territory but they had gotten caught. She had changed all of them, including Yvette. That was how I got to know her. She had been a defiant newborn after her change and I had to teach her.

"What is the use of gainning territory if the only humans that know about us are the ones who meet us five seconds before we kill them?" she had asked me one day. It was a leisure day and I had spent it with her in her most favorite of feilds.

"Maria wants it," I said stupidly.

"That is obvious but why must we spare our lives for the sake of getting her what she wants?" she asked as she staired at the clouds.

"Maria is our creator, we must obey her every wish. Every command," I replied roboticly. I didn't even really believe in my words anymore. Truth was, I was afraid of her.

"Why must we obey? It is not like we are mindless beings. We can decide for ourselves what we want and wish to do," she had said with a soft smile on her perfect face. I did not have to say anything to find out what she had decided on her own. "I've decided to go home. I know there will not be anything left for me but at least there I can die in peace. Away from war," she told me in such a soft voice that I thought it was the wind whispering.

"Die?" The worded question came out withought thought.

"Yes, die. Maria will be coming to you tonight telling you she wants you to kill me. I shall be heading home. I will not allow you to kill me until I've reached my designation," she had informed me and I was taken aback.

"How do you know of this?" I questioned in shock and confusion.

"I see things, my dear friend, like the future. All I have to do is close my eyes, concentrate, and focus. I can see what has been, what is, and what will be of any person I meet. You have a long, tiresome life ahead of you my friend but you will make it and acheive that happiness Peter and Charolette have and will keep," she said mystically. She turned her head to me and said under her breath, "In three nights, Jasper, I shall be expecting you."

After that she had gotten up and left me sitting there. Alone.

2006 ~Ella's POV~

I rolled my eyes and pushed my brother slightly. "Must you be an idiot?" I asked him as I walked over to Kim, a girl who was a year younger than me. She was my brother's imprint and he was stressing out about if she likes him or not. "Hey, Kim," I greeted her and she turned around to face me.

"Hi, Ella!" she exclaimed happily with a grin on her face.

"I was wondering if you liked that idiot over there," I said and motioned to my younger brother wolfing down his third burger.

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