No No Bully ~Sirius Black Oneshot~

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Name: Samantha Dawrey (otherwise known as Sammi)


Species: muggleborn witch

personality: nice, smart, shy around new people, loves to laugh, motherly

Family: parents were killed for twenty dollars when she was 7 and she's been living with her childhood friend Remus

Friends: Remus, Lily, James, Snape, and Sirius

Enimeies: Peter


Looks: 5'2, athletic build from playing quidditch, always smiling, short curly black hair, and green eyes.




I smiled as I watched Sirius, James, and Remus goof around in the Gryffindor commons room. I thought about the very first day of Hogwarts.

I stood close to Remus, I was so nervous about this. We had already been placed in Gryffindor together and we were looking around. I bumped into someone.

"S-sor-rry." I stuttered out as I dusted myself off and looked up at the black haired boy.

"No problem." He said offering me a smile. "I'm SIrius Black and this is James. You two are?"

"I'm Remus Lupin." Remus introduced himself and I blushed upon having Sirius' and James' awaiting eyes on me.

"I'm..." I trailed off and then mumbled, "...Samantha Dawrey..."

"It was nice meeting you. Maybe we’ll see you around." Sirius said and winked at me before running off with James.

I spotted Lily as she walked in with Severus. Ever since our first year James and Sirius have been Über mean to him. But Lily and I stood up for him even if James and Sirius don’t like it.

"What’s he doing in here, Lily?" Sirius questioned with a disgusted look on his face.

"We invited him, Sirius." I said as I gave him a pointed look and then going over and giving a Severus a hug. "Don’t mind them, okay?" He nodded and gave me a slight smile. "What have you two been up to?" I asked as I pulled them to sit on the couch with me.

"Nothing much, Severus and I have been in the library studying." Lily said and I nodded.

"I should probably do that too…" I trailed off and bit my lip. "But I won’t be able to concentrate." I said, knowingly.

"Why?" Lily wondered.

"Too much on my mind, I guess…" I said and offered them a smile.

"Don’t you have a game today?" Severus asked and I nodded.

"Yeah and I’m looking forward to it too." I said grinning.

"Good luck." He said and I gave him a huge hug.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed and I saw Sirius turn red. He was really mad about something.

"What happened?!" I exclaimed when I found Severus in the medical wing. He looked pretty beat up but the nurse fixed it with a spell.

"Nothing." He said trying to brush it off.

"Don’t lie to me! Who did that to you?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"I tripped." He lied.

"It was Sirius wasn’t it!?" I exclaimed, I wasn’t happy about this at all. Severus stayed silent and I cursed. "He’s not going to get away with it. I won’t let him." I told him and went off to find Sirius before he could stop me.

I found him in the commons room. "Hey Sammi." He said happily until he noticed my mood. "What’s wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"Don’t EVER come near me or Severus again! You got that?! He doesn’t deserve the crap you guys give him!! I can’t believe you even beat him up!!" I shouted at him and everyone who was in the room was staring at us.

"Calm down, Sammi." He said as he took a step closer.

"No! I hate you so much right now, Sirius!" I screamed and he broke.

"What do you see in him?! You’re always being nice to him! Do you like him?!" He shouted back at him and I glared.

"I don’t know what I ever saw in you!! You’re just mean idiot!!" I exclaimed before running up to my room. I shared it with Lily.

It’s been a week since then and I’ve made sure that Sirius or James hasn’t gone near Severus. "I just don’t get him at all." I said as I ate lunch with Remus.

Remus sighed. "It’s not my place to say this but…he’s just jealous, Sammi. He doesn’t like the fact that you give Severus hugs all the time when he only gets one."

"That’s…that’s because I still get nervous around him." I said and he sighed.

"I know that but he doesn’t." Remus said and I got up.

"Thanks for the talk, Remmy, I have to go." I said and then left.

I decided that I needed to clear my thoughts and to do that I decided to take a walk. About 15 minutes later I stumbled across a black dog. He was so cute and adorable but he didn’t really fit being here so close to school grounds.

"Hey, doggy." I said as I bent down and scratched behind his ear. "It’s pretty unusual to see dogs around here but then again it wouldn’t be right if there wasn’t something unusual." I said and took a seat on the ground. "Can I tell you something?" I questioned the dog and he nodded. "There’s this guy that I really like but his attitude is really horrible. He likes to pick on and beat up one of my closest guy friends. Remmy says it’s because he’s jealous. I guess it’s just easier hugging a guy I only see as a friend. I guess what I’m saying is confusing since I’m not mentioning names…" I sighed and leaned my head onto the dog.

I jumped back when I felt clothing and skin instead of fur. "I’m sorry, Sammi. Will you give me a second chance? I’ll leave him alone, I promise." I stared, wide eyed, at Sirius.

"You’re-You’re an animagi!?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah…I became one to help Remus." He said and I nodded. "Will you?" He asked again.

"I-I don’t know… Am I going be made into a fool?" I questioned and he shook his head.

"I’d never do that to you, like Remus said I was jealous. I really like you Sammi." He said kissed my nose.

"Okay, I’ll forgive you but next time, expect getting punched." I warned and he laughed.

"I wouldn’t expect anything else but I promise that there won’t be a next time." He said and gave me a tight hug and didn’t let go.

I smiled and snuggled into him. I liked the familiarity and safety that I felt when I was around him. I haven’t felt that since the day my parents were killed.


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