Running Back to You ~Paul Lahote Oneshot~

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Name: Cassandra

Age: 16

Race/ Species: werewolf

Ability (any special power or what not): fast (even for a werewolf)

personality: bubbly, outgoing, talkative , playful and sarcastic

Family: lives with older brother

Friends: the whole pack but closest to Jared

Enemies: Rachel (Jacob’s sister)

Crush: Paul Lahote

Looks: long brown wavy hair, big brown eyes, tan and short

Background: met the pack through jarred and that's how she met Paul who's her imprint and vice versa but they haven't told each other yet, being afraid they only see them as their friend.


Patience, Cas. Patience. Sam's voice sounded in my head as the two of us, plus Jake, did patrol together. I was not part of either Sam's or Jake's packs, so, they were the only two I could talk to, and that was selectively.

You can shove that patience up Jake's arse! I exclaimed as I ran faster. The two of them had spent the last few hours trying to tell me that Paul is just nervous and afraid. It was COMPLETE baloney. He just wants to be friends. Why must they persist on the subject? Shift's over, I'm done. I told them before going off and shifting back.

Phasing is no longer painful like it used to be. I feel more at ease, now, during the short period of discomfort. I don't irrationally combust into a wolf like all the others occasionally do when they get mad. I'm strange like that. At my most serene moments is when I shift. According to Carlisle, he believes it is because I am from a tribe long since brought to ruin. I had Carlisle check once, my ancestor was the sole survivor of my tribe.

"Care to explain what I'm supposed to be reading?" I asked Carlisle as I glanced down at the pages.

"Just read!" he exclaimed with an enthused grin on his face.

So I read, "Dear Journal, I've lost count of what entry this is and I don't feel like glancing back at the other page. I stumbled upon something rather interesting today. I thought the Quileute's were the only native American tribe to be able to contain such abilities to hunt us down. I was wrong. I was hunted down today. By a female. She was nay of the Quileute's. She told me her tribe was going to force her into a marriage with the chief of Quileute's to ensure the two tribes as allies.

"However, she said she couldn't go through with it and ran away. Or, was about to before a huge coven of vampires killed all of her family and friends. The leader of the coven, she said, was her destined mate. But she couldn't dishonor her tribe like that so she ran off before he could do anything. I found this oddly interesting. She's told me many things. She pines for her mate but in some strange way she's at peace. It's that peace in which she can achieve that allows her to turn into such an amazing animal. I wonder what I will learn about her tomorrow? Her mate's brother, Conway," I had read aloud.

"So?" Carlisle asked me and I beamed at him.

"I love you!" I exclaimed and gave him a giant hug. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

I smiled upon revisiting that memory. My ancestor was truly miraculous, to overcome such heights like she had. I envied her. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I made my way, out of the forest, towards Sam's house.

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