Assassin ~Sasuke Uchiha~

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Name: Elliysha

Age: could it take place when both her and Sasuke are like, IDK, 15?

Rank: Doesn't really have one. Sort of went rogue.

Village: Leaf. Spent time in every village.

Personality: Sweet funny. Causes trouble unintentionally. Tries to please people. Believes one can never be too strong.

Family: None. Member of the Atasuki and later Hebi/Taka. Considers her comrades her family.

Friends: Sasuke, Gaara, Kakashi, Orichimaru

Enemies: Itachi, Naruto, Sakura,

Crush: Sasuke


Extra Info: Family was wiped out by a mysterious rebel. Her dad and two brothers were ninjas and her mom owned a bakery. This happened on her birthday. Swore vengance. Maybe that's what it's about? IDK, it's up to you, you don't have to.

~10 Years Ago~

"Mommy! Daddy!" I screamed after I collapsed on the living room. I looked up at the man that had done this. "How could you?!" I screamed with tears and blood streaming down my face. I was too much in panic and denial to care about how much blood I was losing. The man who had been so close to my family just chuckled and knocked me out.

When I woke up I instantly remembered what had happened. "I will avenge my parents, Itachi, just you wait."


The words of my predecessor rang in my head as I ran. Stealth. Speed. Agility. Annihilate. I nodded and made some hand signs so my chakra was hidden. Once I made it to my destination I checked the security routes. Good, they left a 5 minute gap. Long enough for me to slip in. I thought and jumped onto the roof.

I opened the air vent, climbed in, and then closed the air vent. I went over the layout of the building in my mind and decided what route I should take. There isn’t a way to his office through the air vents that doesn’t have some kind of trap. I’ll have to go the obvious route in disguise.

I crawled until I came upon a guard ninja. I smirked. They just make it too easy sometimes. I took out my dart gun, loaded it with dart covered in sleeping powder, aimed it at the ninja, and set fire. He went down before he even knew what was happening.

I slid out of the vent and landed on my feet. After making sure no one would be coming soon, I dragged the guy into a supply closet and did a jutsu to make myself look like him. Once that was done I made my way to my target’s office.

I knocked on the door and walked in before I heard a ‘come in’. I didn’t need one anyway. I was, after all, only here to carry out my mission. "What do you want? Shouldn’t you be out there doing protocol surveillance?" The man asked from his seat.

I smirked and undid the jutsu. "I’m right where I want to be." I assured him and he quirked an eyebrow at me. Obviously he wasn’t aware of what I could do. Oh, well, I was just going to have to show him. "Tell me where the scroll is," I demanded.

"Look, little girl, I don’t know what you’re talking about. So why don’t you just go back home before I have my guards come up here and have a talk with your parents about trespassing," the man said in a calm voice.

I quirked an eyebrow and took out a kunai. With it I pinned his hand to his desk and before he could let out a peep I had his mouth covered with a thick piece of cloth that muffled his voice so that anyone nearby wouldn’t come investigating.

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