Criminal ~Hidan Oneshot~

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Looks:Red Hair,White Shirt,Black Pants,Yellow Eyes




rLikes:Drawling,her Firends

Dislikes:Being Bothed (Japanese food recipes)

It's been a half of a year since I had joined the Akatsuki. I had befriended the quiet pupet user Sasori-sempai, the hyper Tobi-chan, and the notorious Hidan-sensei. Leader-sama made the Joshin worshiping man my sensei hoping I'd learn a thing or two about how to act within the S-ranked criminal group. Deidara - or Die-Die as Tobi and I call him - complains about MY art whenever he sees it, like now for example. "Trisha-chan, un!!! You're art needs a more BANG finishing touch, yeah!!!" Deidara said next to my ear in the living/gathering room of the Akatsuki HQ. As nicely as I possibly could I stated, "I'm just drawing Dei-Dei-kun, I don't need a finishing touch." "Art is supossed to go out with a BANG, un!!!!" He exclaimed and it echoed off the walls of the living room. The corner of my lip twitched as I tried to keep my cool. "Dei-Dei-kun if you don't stop you may regret it..." I warned him but then he went into the long rant and even pulled out some of his exploding clay. "SHUT UP, DEI-DEI-KIN!!! LEAVE ME TO MY FUCKING DRAWING AND WATCH YOUR MOVIE!!!" I screamed so loud that the glass of water all the way down in Leader-sama's office shattered. "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCHES!!! TRISHA WE HAVE A MISSION!!!" Hidan shouted as he entered the living room. "Okay, Hidan-sensei!" I said cheerfully with a small smile. He just scowled and we left. The mission, as I found out not long after leaving HQ, was just a simple information gathering for Leader-sama. It didn't even take us more than an hour to complete. It may have taken longer if Kakuzu had come with us. Speaking of which- "Why didn't Kakuzu-kun come with us?" I asked him and he sighed. "He had to attend to Itachi and Kisame's wounds." He replied and the rest of the walk back with the scrowls was silent and peaceful. I considered Hidan and I to be friends but there were times when I think he'd rather use me as an offering to Jashin-sama. He mostly acted like he did when I was goofing off and having fun with Tobi-chan. Maybe I should just let know...offer me to Jashin... After giving Leader-sama the scrowls I flopped down on top of Sasori. I looked up at him with a sweet, innocent smile while he looked back at me with a blank look. "Hello Sasori-sepmai." I greeted the pupet master happily watched TV with him until it was time for me to make dinner. I made Miso Soup with Tofu, Rice Balls, and Meat Buns for dinner. Then I made a batch of Manju filled with chocolate and another batch filled with vanilla. By then everyone could smell the clashing aromas in the air and came to sit down ready to pile their plates, even Leader-sama was here. "Here you guys are." I said as I set or dinner in the center of the circular table so everyone could dig in. I had left the 2 batches of Manju in the steamer so they would still be hot. I sat in between Itachi-san and Tobi-chan. "Tobi loves Trisha-san's cooking! Is Tobi a good boy?" Tobi exclaimed as he looked over at me and stuffed his food under his mask. I laughed. "Sure Tobi-san." I said and smiled down at the short Akatsuki boy. "What about you Itachi-san? Do you like it?" I questioned Itachi just to make small talk at dinner but I noticed Hidan glaring at him from the corner of my eye. "Hn." Was Itachi's anwser along with him nodding his head a little. I hugged Itachi with a huge crin on my face and everyone except Itachi looked at me as if I had a death wish. "That's great!" I exclaimed and then went back to eating dinner. "Who's up for some dessert?" I asked and all of them except Leader-sama raised their heads. Leader-sama got up and went back to his office. I smiled. "Here you guys are." I told the nine giving them 1 of each. I put two on a small plate for Leader-sama and asked Konan to give it to him. I then sat down and enjoyed my dessert. "Tobi thanks Trisha-san!" Tobi exclaimed and then ran off. After I finished up doing the dishes i made a grocery list. I also went down to Leader-sama's office to see if he or Konan needed anything while I was out. I then went into the living room and asked the guys. I thought about it for a bit and then smiled. "Hidan I'm gunna need you to help me carry some of this stuff." I told him and he grunted but got up anyway. "Alright. Lets go." He said and I laughed. "Not like this we aren't." I said and then sighed shaking my head at him. "Come on. I'll help you." I dragged him into my room and closed the door. "Why the fuck are we in your room?" He asked me and I smiled. "Disguise, Sweetheart, disguise." I said and then shuffled through my dresser and pulled out a plain white kind of pirate looking shirt and then grabbed a wallet that had a fake ID for hidan. "Here." I said as I handed them to him. He took off the cloak and put the shirt on, then he opened up the wallet to see his fake ID, and then he gave me a look. "You made me a fake ID? Why?" "Disguise is my specialty, Hidan. A fake past is all you need to fool someone. Besides I made a fake ID for everyone except Tobi-chan. Tobi-chan doesn't have one because he wouldn't take his mask off." I explained and almost forgot the why. "Oh! And I made them incase we needed it. I use mine everytime I leave HQ for non-mission stuff. Like now." I said as I walked into my closet to change into a white shirt and black pants myself. I walked out, styled our hairs differently, and we left to a village close by. The guard at the enterance stopped us and asked, "State your business." "We live a couple of miles east of here and we need more supplies." I told him and he let us through after seeing our fake IDs. "That actually worked." Hidan said shocked and I smiled up at him. "Yep." I agreed and took out the list. "So we need..." I trailed off as a whole bunch of girls came to crowd around Hidan. I sighed and pushed through his new fan girls. I grabbed onto Hidan's hand and started to pull him out of the swarm of girls. They sent glares at me and I sent it right back. I was not going to be nice to them. They were a nusance. "Any of you go so far as to TOUCH him and I will personally kill you." I threatened and dragged him off with a huff. I stopped at a street vender and got most of the things on the list. "Will that be all?" The elderly woman asked me and I nodded digging my wallet out. "That'll be 5,500 yen." She told me and Hidan took the grocery bags, being oddly quiet next to me. "I've got to say I've never seen such a cute couple like the two of you." She gushed and I looked at her wide eyed. "Oh, no! We aren't...t-together." I said, embarrased. "Really? That's too bad. There is still time for it I guess." She said with a soft smile. "...I guess..." I muttered softly as I stuffed my wallet back into my pants. "Have a good day you two!" She called out hoarsely as we left. "What do we have left?" Hidan asked me and I looked at the list. "We need to go by a Butcher's shop, a grocer, and appearently Tobi wants me to go to a Fortune-Teller." I said giggling a little. "Fine..." Hidan muttered and we walked on. Word got around fast in this town because after my threat no girl so much as glanced at Hidan through out the day but we did have more elderly people telling us how good we looked as a couple. I was starting to wonder what was going on in everyone's mnds. I mean, sure, Hidan's cute *cough**cough* handsome *cough**cough* and charming and a good fighter and has the most perfect- Woah! What am I thinking? "All that's left is to go to the Fortune-Teller." I said smiling at the man who was carrying most of the bags. He mutter some incoherent words that I'm sure were negative. "Look on the bright side!" I excaimed happily. "What bright side?" He wondered aloud. "You're getting a work out from carrying all of these bags!" I said happily and added while patting his tummy, "You were looking a little chubby anyway." I gave him a teasing smile before we entered the shop. "May I help you?" The lady said and I showed her the note I had on my grocery list. "Ah. He came in early telling me he had a friend coming in for a palm reading." She said and moved to her table. "Come, come. Sit, sit." She commanded and I obeyed. "Give me your hand." I gave her my hand and she flattened it out. "Hmm. Oooh. Uh-huh." She made those small little things as she looked at my palm. "I see love in your future, you aren't sure about him at the momment but everything will work out. He's tall, I can't make much out but he's wearing a cloak, has a head band signalling that he's a ninja, and he's got a rather long weapon. Do you know anyone like that?" She asked me and I flush slightly but nodded. "I also see fortune which can mean you'll come across good luck, money, or you may become very happy very soon." She said pushing my hand towards me. "Really? That's cool." I said smiling at her and then got dragged out by Hidan. "What?" "Lets go home." He said but he didn't let go of my hand. How he could carry all those bags on his left arm was beyond me.... I was laying in bed when I heard a knock on my door: and oddly enough it didn't bother me. "Come in." I called to the person on the other side not bothering on seeing who it was. Most likely Konan on her period and she needed some pads. "You know where they are." I told the person assuming it was Konan. But when my bed creacked at the new weight I shot up and hit the person in the head. "OWWW!" I exclaimed quietly. "Fuck!" A familiar voice said in the darkness. "Hidan-sensei? What are you doing here in my room?" I asked him confused. "Shut the fuck up." He ordered and made me lay back down. Curling up to me, like he'd done it before, he laid down next to me and fell asleep. "Good night, Hidan." I murmured softly before snuggling into his grasp and fell asleep myself.
I woke up with the light in my face, temporarily blinding me. "Morning." I told the shifting person beside me and then I shot up out of bed. "Hidan-sensei?" I exclaimed quietly, slightly freaking out. "Didn't I tell you to be quiet?" He mumbled out groggily and slowly sat as I sat back down. "But-but-but-" I was cut off by something soft and hot pressed against my lips. My eyes automatically closed and savoured the feelings in Hidan's kiss. Reality came crashing back to me in the form of Tobi stumbling into my room and gasping. "TOBI A GOOD BOY!!! TOBI SEE HIDAN AND TRISHA KISSING!!!!" Tobi screamed as he ran around telling it to evertyone he saw. I rolled my eyes and smiled at Hidan. "Morning, Love." Hidan whispered into my ear and I looked at him in awe. "Wha-what about Joshin-sama?" I asked him shocked and he chuckled. "Totaly fucking okay with it." He said smirking back at me. "But-" I started. "Shut up." He warned me. "I don't get it..." I told him and he pushed me onto the bed. "Do I need to teach you how to shut up too?" He asked and I smiled goofily. "I belive you do, Sensei." I told him before he started his "lesson". Trust me, no one came near my room that day except for Tobi and...he left screaming, "TOBI'S EYES!!! TOBI'S EYES!!!"

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