The Everlasting ~Jacob Black Oneshot~

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name: Varunee Jay

birthday: March 10th

Likes: Jacob

Age: Same age as Jacob, except a bit more older being March 10th :P

Looks: Petite; being 5'2. Proud of it though. Curvyish body, coming from my exotic back ground. Good bust, being a large C Cup. Brown skinned, Darker then Jacob though. more south asian/indian color, abit dark but has a tan to it Perfect, longcurly hair. Naturally born with black hair like Jacob's, but can be seen now often with a color other than black such as a medium golden brown to a bright, yet real deep red. Dark brown eyes. Small yet slightly full lips.

Height: 5 ft 2, petite and proud!

Background: Sri Lankan descent, with a mom, dad and a younger sister, but mom, me and sister don't really look Sri Lankan, more of a mix of Indian/Spanish, but parents divorced due to the hard time my dad has given speically' me and my mom alot, but he's the one that has brought me so far in my music yet i still love him as a father, and born Canadian with my sister, recently moved here from Canada

Eyes: dark brown

Personality: sweet, loves and cares about her friends, laughs alot, and is girly, generous, when you hurt her loved ones she can be pretty bitched up which can be rare, forgiving, some cases it takes alot to forgive, can get jealous at times, more with her music, meaning she puts herself down when she hears better out there

dreams: to actulaly become a bigtime famous singer/musician in Hollywood, knows she has potential, but has gotta work hard

Likes; To shop, hang out with friends, help out people she cares for in need, and anything to do with music and singing. :D

Favorite food: She'd go with italian but i loveee fried chicken:), speically' KFC, very picky also to

Favorite animal: DOGS=)

Favorite color: blue, red, pink and white


Flaws: Can sometimes be too innocent. Can have a jealous side, but she'd never be posessive. Tends to get more jealous/depressed when it comes to others being better in singing/music then her; thus putting herself down a lot, but she won't be a bitch about it. She'd of course admit others talents but she'd always think of herself negatively. Can be quite lazy, especially with studies and cleaning. Not the best in studies, a little below average due to her laziness, but excells in arts and music exceeding most, usually best in the class in music without even trying. Eats a lot, yet she doesn't look like she does, not sure if eating a lot's a good or a bad thing? Very picky eater unfortunately. Gets quite nervous talking in front of a bunch of people, even though she can sing more easily. Very hard on herself on looks, body, and music talent. Not the best self esteem, even though it doesn't show.

Friends; She's cool with everyone, would really get along with jacob; like a best friend

Enemies; Besides bad guys of course; none really but like i really didn't like the whole bella seeming to lead poor jacob thing; thats all

Clothing style: she always wear anything trendy from track pants to skirts to hollister hoodies, Ambercombie & American Eagle even TNA clothing, the usual preppish stuff:3 to cute dresses:)

Talent: all about music, been playing piano for long, but wanna sing hiphop/R&B, has perfect pitch, strong high ranged voice, loves and is known for singing lots of christina aguilera songs or complicated beyonce songs, even though I learnt piano, I have a stronger passion for singing, which I've only been doing for a year, after realizing my passion for it, becoming a fast learner on my own, can play some guitar too; prefers playing with fingers/finger picking over using an actual pick, loves playing the accoustic mostly; but not a real expert in it; since dad is a guitarist i recently started to teach myself it; he's let me take his guitar with him that he teaches with with me (looks less dull in real life:P) :

Book of Requested EntitlementsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora