"Z-Zane-Kun! You're Kawaii-Chan ride?" Kawaii-Chan blurted out, her face felt oddly warm all of a sudden. Zane nodded and walked to his car. "Yes Nana, I am. Aphmau sent me to go bring you to the Cafe early so because I love you I said yes." Kawaii-Chan's face flushed pink once she heard the words 'I love you', a rush ran through her body once she heard those words, she loved those words; her tail flickered. Kawaii-Chan nodded and followed him to the car. 

Something was off with this situation, something felt off with her...

. . .

She sat in the car and closed the door behind her, taking off her bag and placing it at her side, buckling her seat belt. She felt her heartbeat pick up again, face flushed pink, this never had happened to her before. Zane slid in at the other side of the car and closed the door; he started up the car and started to drive. The silence was doing most of the talking, that was all she could do with the thoughts that ran through her mind at that moment. 

'To feel his lips against mine, run my hands down his smooth skin, see how many freckles are really behind that unshown skin. See what happens if you press too hard against his pale skin, feel what happens if I press my lips against his ne- NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! Nana nO! Stop! These thoughts are not okay! This is not okay Nana, he is your boyfriend you are not meant to hurt him you are meant to treat him like you wanted to treat him. You do not bite him Nana he is not a snack, okay he kinda is but still, you don't bite people, you are not a vampire.' Nana thought her face flushed scarlet, how was she gonna get by today with these unusual thoughts?

"You okay Kawaii-Chan?" Zane suddenly asked. "Your face is really red, and by red I mean RED." Kawaii-Chan panicked. "Kawaii-Chan is fine," 

"Are you sure?"

"Kawaii-Chan is sure Zane!" She didn't mean to for her voice to have a slight edge to it but it did.

"Alright, Kawaii-Chan..." He sounded unconvinced, but at least he left her alone, she wanted to be left alone with these unwanted thoughts she had gotten.

. . .

She arrived at the cafe and quickly unbuttoned her seatbelt, slung the bag around her shoulder and opened the door and rushed out of Zane's car. Face hot, mind even hotter, she didn't know what was wrong but she didn't like the thoughts she had that she had never had before. She slowed her pace once she reached the cafe, she stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath in an out, and let out a huff. 'Today is the day Nana, don't let these weird thoughts ruin this day. Today is the Grand reopening of your cafe Nana! Don't mess this up!' She took in another deep breath and opened the door.

She walked in and closed the door behind her, only to see Aaron and Aphmau walking out of the backroom in their respected outfits. Aphmau and Aaron saw her and smiled, Aphmau waved over to her. "I love your outfit Kawaii-Chan! What do you think about mine?" Kawaii-Chan gave her a thumbs up with a small smile, today was a strange way.

. . .

The rest of the day was strange for her, the strange feelings she would get around Zane, the strange thoughts she would get around him. She didn't understand the strange thoughts that concerned Zane and his skin or lips, it weirded her out. Yet she founded herself so tempted when they were alone to do those said things, but she knew that she didn't want to weird him out or hurt him either. She knew that his skin could easily be hurt, his skin could easily be cut, his skin was fragile and she didn't want to hurt him.

She didn't know why there was something in the back of her mind telling her to take what was her's when it really wasn't, he wasn't her's he was his own person. She didn't know what these strange thoughts had to to do with biting him or injuring his skin, why if liked Zane so much with the cat ears he was given to wear. It was as if this month unlocked some sort of desire she never knew she had, a desire to claim what was her's, it was like she was in the Twilight film or some kind of kid's weird fantasy; was she Jacob or Edward from Twilight expect not at the same time.

Yet there was always something tempting her to do something at the back of her mind, but she managed to save herself at the last moment.

. . .

A/N: What do you think of the first chapter so far? Do you think I portrayed the characters well or not? Thank you for reading.

A/N: What do you think of the first chapter so far? Do you think I portrayed the characters well or not? Thank you for reading

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