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"No, I can't do this. Take me home please." I say as his lips continue to connect with my neck.

"Liam." I continue, but so does he.

"I said stop!" I push him away, and the look he gives me send chills across my skin.

"What the fuck?" He puts the car into reverse while buckling his pants.

"I change my mind. I want to go home." I look out of the window trying my best not to make eye contact with him.

The whole drive to my house he doesn't say a word to me, and I feel ashamed and embarrassed.

I almost let someone I barely know have their way with me.



Before I reach Junes front door she pulls my arm back.

"Who the hell is Mary?" Her face looks hurt with a hint of anger.

I try to pull away from her grip but she pulls harder.

"Hello?!" She screams.

"Who is she Harry?"

"Is she that new girl that was at Phoenix's party?- IT IS!"

My face must've given it away.

"That fucking bitch. Get out of my flat right now!"

"That's what I was trying to do." I say as she pushes me out the front door and slams it behind me.

I fix my quiff as I make my way to my car.

I pull out my phone and decide to dial Mary.


"What's up?" She says so casually.

"I need to see you now." I say as my breath starts to quicken.

"Back doors unlocked." She says then hangs up.



I get out of the car as my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket.

It's Harry.

I rummage in my purse for my keys as I answer my phone.


"What's up?" I say as casually as possible.

"I need to see you now."

Me too. I think to myself.

"Back doors unlocked." I say and hang up.

I run up to my room and change clothes. I throw on some jeans and a jumper.

I felt the same warmth in my stomach as the night at his house. My heart beat faster and faster as the minutes went on and goosebumps raised across my skin.

I wanted him. Words cannot explain how much I wanted him.

"Hey." He says startling me.

His hands pushed into his pockets as he rocks on his heals.

Without thinking I kiss him. His tongue enters my mouth as I jump and wrap my legs around his waist.

The kiss depends as he lowers me onto the couch.

For a mere moment we stop kissing to catch our breath and I caught this light in Harry's eyes, but as soon as he noticed the flickering went away and his eyes became dark again.

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