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I keep Mary as close to me as possible, the thought of the other night still lingers in my mind.

"Smile, you always look so mad." Mary says to me taking my mind away from my current thoughts. She runs her thumb across my jawline and her eyes follow.

In this moment everything becomes silent and my eyes are solely on her.

Her curled hair flows down her chest. Her eyes flicker as she's unaware how breathless she is making me. Her lips were covered in a thin layer of lipstick and how bad I wanted them on my skin was indescribable.

My heart sank into my stomach as my surrounding became noticeable again. I tried to catch my breath without her noticing.

"Are you okay?" She says as she furrows her eyebrows.

"I don't know." I reply as my thoughts scatter.

"I'm gonna go get a drink do you want one?"

"Yes, thankyou." I say still in shock from the effect she had on me.


I make my way through the crowds with ease and into the kitchen to see phoenix mixing drinks.

"How is it?" She smiles at me showing all her teeth.

"So far so good." I chuckle.

She points at the two cups she has in her hand and I grab them from her and kiss her on her cheek as a thank you.

As I make my way back to the couch Harry isn't there, but I see Niall close by.

"Have you seen harry?" I say loudly over the ed sheeran song in the background.

He shakes his head, "he got a phone call and left."

I offer Niall Harrys drink and he accepts it.

I stay for the rest of the party helping phoenix make drinks and clean up afterwards.

I throw half empty beer cans in the trashcan and phoenix helps me.

"So where's Harry anyways?" She says picking up red plastic cups.

"Niall said he got a phone call and left, I dunno." I say shrugging.

"So you're not worried?" She says raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't say that." I laugh.

Phoenix and I both turn toward the front door as we hear it open. Harry walks into the living room and sits on the couch.

"You could at least help us, considering you didn't stay to help at all." Phoenix says throwing Harry a trashbag.

I look over at him for a split second then back to phoenix.

"I was busy." Harry growls throwing the trashbag back at phoenix.

"Just like you were last time when Mary almost got raped right?" Phoenix throws one more beer can into the trashcan before leaving the room.

"It'd be nice if you would tell me where you're going next time y'know?" I say quietly.

"It doesn't matter."

"I find that humorous considering if I were to pull that stunt you did, I wouldn't hear the end of it." I chuckle to myself and walk into the backroom to say goodbye to Phoenix and niall. I walk out of Phoenixs house and across the street not wondering where Harry is.

I stick my key into the top lock of my door to find that it's already open. Harry sits on my couch rolling a spliff. The light coming from the kitchen reflects off of his eyes and I can't help but stare.

"You don't know what you do to me do you?" He says while igniting his lighter.

I take off my heels and make my way over to him.

"Imagine you're drowning." He stops talking to light the spliff. Smoke effortlessly leaves his mouth and nose as he continues.

"After you can't hold your breath anymore, that last breath you try to take- but water fills your lungs- that's how you make me feel."

"I make you feel like you're dying?" I say taken back.

"But I've never felt so alive in my life." He smiles as he hands me the spliff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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