The man

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emilys face pops up onto my phone screen again and i decide to pick up.

"whats up?" i say casually.

"what do you mean 'whats up'? how can you just leave like that and act like nothing happened? youre my bestfriend and i love you but youre ridiculous and i cant believe you."

"then why are you calling me? to argue? well in that case hang up the phone. i left because was tired of the same thing, everyday. i want something different and im going to get it. Do yourself, and i, a favor; delete my number. its for the best love. goodbye." i say quickly hanging up.

Emily was my closest friend and she meant more to me than anyone will ever know but i told myself i was starting over, regardless of how much it hurt. and thats what i was going to do.



Mary's smile ran through my mind as I drove to the cafe where phoenix works, right down the street from Mary's flat.

as I sit at a stool at the counter phoenix comes to take my order.

"I'll just take an all black." I say running my hands through my hair.

"no sugar, or cream?" she says tilting her head to the side.

but I ignore her.

"you're stressing like you're twice your age again, huh?" she says twisting an ink pen in between her top and bottom teeth.

"you're not very talkative, you're ordering an all black coffee, and you're running your fingers through your hair-" she abruptly does a 360° turn and walks over to the coffee maker.

I lean into the counter and let out a sigh. everything about Mary drained every ounce of me. I don't know what it is about her, but the feeling that she gives me I can't quite shake.

"Mary. it's Mary isn't it?" phoenix says as she comes back with my black coffee.

"no?" I say taking a sip trying not to laugh.

"Harry this isn't a good idea." I start to chuckle but when I look up at her her eyes are serious.

"what do you mean 'not a good idea'?"

"I have a feeling things aren't going to go how you think they are. she's not like every other girl mate."

What she said have me chills and she could tell.

"It's all bad Harry, she-" she was interrupted by a costumer calling her name from the other side of the cafe.

"I'll catch you later." I say getting up from my seat. She waves back at me quickly then returns to listening to the costumers complaints.



"Jesus fucking Christ." I say after dropping the last box that I needed to unpack onto my foot.

I hop over to my couch and hold my foot.

for a box of books it hurt a lot more than I thought.

I take off my sock to look at my foot when there's a knock at the door.

"come in its open!" I yell, too much in pain to bother to walk to the door or care about strangers entering my flat..

in walks Marie.

"you're.. Phoenix's friend right?" I say putting my sock back on.

"that would be me." she says smiling.

her straight blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders as she smiled brightly at me.

looking at her made me feel really insecure.

"so, what's up?" I say more awkward than I thought.

"oh yeah! of course. we all wanted to know if you'd like to join us for our weekly spliff session." her smile never leaves her face.

"you mean like now- right now?" I say looking down at myself. I was wearing a superman jumper and pajama shorts.

"well I mean if you need a little time- to yeah. I mean you can come like that if you please it's no big deal. You look fine." I laughed at how she was trying to be as far from rude as she possibly could.

"let me just throw some jeans on."

"sure thing." she says rocking back and forth onto her heels.

I walk back to my room and to my closet.

I decide to wear my slightly ripped jeans.

I walk out to my front room as Marie stands there running her fingers through the bottom of her hair.

my attire did not necessarily fit the event, but I honestly didn't care. my hair was in a messy bun and I decided to slip on my converse's.

"all set?" she says looking me up and down.

"uh.. yeah." I say grabbing my keys from the kitchen counter and leaving my flat, locking my door behind me.


as we enter Phoenix's house she runs to the door to greet me.

"hey! I was hoping you'd come love. we were just about to start." she flashes a smile my way. As I look down at her, I notice that her attire is similar to mine and I'm relieved.

she leads me upstairs and into her bedroom.

there sits chairs in a circle in the middle of the room.

Louis, Niall, and Harry and another guy are already sitting.

"hey guys." I say getting all of their attention's.

"sup." Louis says waving at me.

"hey Mar-Bear." I burst into laughter at what Niall says and Harry glares at me.

"Mar-Bear? okay I can work with that." I say smiling.

"Liam you haven't met Mary yet have you? Mary this is Liam, Liam this is Mar-Bear apparently." she giggles.

"nice to meet you." I say smiling.

"same here. you can sit next to me if you'd like." he smiles.

"that's fine mate. she already has a seat." Harry says while scolding me.

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