Chapter Thirty Eight | AntonioXBlood

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With an effortless swift motion, I jumped from the tree and soared over Dedric's head landing behind him in a graceful steady stance.

I turned around, my eyes void of emotion.

I was void of control, my body moved on its own to keep me alive as it did whenever I needed it most.

This happened when I was held captive, this happened when I had a gun to my head, this happened when I was fighting for air under the surface being pushed down by a hunter.

With graceful, rhythmic bounds I kicked his stomach, hoping he'd catch it.

He did and he latched on providing me the platform to push off of with enough strength to wrap my other leg around his neck.

My other leg broke free and I head into him, legs wrapped around his neck as he grabbed the sides of his head and I violently twisted it to the right with enough force to launch me off his back and tumble to the ground.

But it was also just enough force to snap his neck and he fell to his knees, then slowly to his stomach, lifeless.

I felt like I could catch my breath again and autopilot turned off as the consciousness, humanity, and pain returned to my body.

I turned to face Shenck, rising to my knees, panting heavily.

I wanted to speak to him, demand answers as to why he killed, why me, what he did to Anna, how the trio saved his life, but my jaw was snapped and out of socket and there wasn't anything I could do without breaking it further.

"If you have somevhing to say, vhen say it," he sneered.

Out of option I signed to him my raging questions and ended with the universally known sign of the middle finger.

He growled and a twig snapped beneath his feet.

'Why?' Was all I'd asked him.

It was enough to provoke a response, "I'm not stupid enough to relay my plans or intentions to you when I'd sooner drain you dry."

'But what does that mean?' I'd quickly signed.

He snickered and laughed like the evil German villains in every American movie about World War Two.

This man was a monster.

Maybe literally inhuman, I couldn't be so sure.

I wasn't sure what to think anymore.

I was bleeding, bruised, broken, had just killed a man and was staring down the most dangerous monster I'd ever encountered.

I snarled like a wild animal, crouching low, ready to spring if need be.

"Shame you survived, usually the vinner gets to live but I'd never assume you vould be the vinner. You're too knowledgeable to vet go," He clicked his tongue in false pity and prepared to tear me apart, to string me up by my ankles as he did with Lena; like he might've done with Helmut.

The world moved in slow motion.

So did my vision, and in the corner of my eye, I saw Antonio.

He rocketed at inhuman speeds and slammed into Shenck knocking the monstrous man across the clearing with the force of a raging stampede.

Antonio let lose inhuman, raging, beastly snarls and a screech of pure rage.

I tried to scream to him it was too dangerous but all I could do was reach out my hand to him, asking him silently to take it, to leave without me and run.

I didn't recognize him when I looked into his eyes, the Antonio I knew wasn't present, only hatred remained.

I was pulled to my feet by Gilbert and Francis behind me.

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