"I thought you wanted to sleep." She gently rubbed her hand on Jennie's arms as if they weren't warm enough. That wasn't rejected and the hum that came from the younger girl assured her that she won't be told off.

"Yeah but--" Jennie yawned and covered her mouth. Then she just inched a bit closer into Jisoo and the latter didn't mind it at all. "I think you're up for late night conversations or you'll just watch me sleep all night long."

"What am I? Your girlfriend?"

'Damn it, Kim Jisoo! Way to ruin things! You dumb foolish idiot--"

"Or just Edward Cullen creeping and lingering while watching Bella sleep." Jennie giggled softly and Jisoo wasn't really too intersted in that kind of movies or books but Jennie's sound made her smile. Then the younger girl shook her head and smiled. "Girlfriend, huh? Of course not. You're not even my friend."


She didn't know why and can't even explain it but it suddenly felt like someone pinched her heart when Jennie said that. She wants to ask Jennie to take it back and not ruin the moment when they're joking around like this after a long time. But she can't really demand that even when she really wants them to be labelled as friends at the very least if Jennie wasn't feeling mutual. That's not how friendship or relationship goes.

"Then what are we? If you don't want me to be your friend..?"

"I mean... it's just... it's not that I don't want you to..." Jennie sighed before she bit her bottom lip. She let out a nervous or shaky laugh. "Will you even consider me as your friend? Because I don't think you should. I'm not exactly a good one for you."

Jisoo was starting to understand again. It's not about herself but it's about Jennie. Everything that Jennie says, it's still because she thinks it's her fault. It gave her a sense of deja vu because a lot of things happened but the Jennie that melted her heart so hard once before is still there.

A shiver ran down her spine because she could find herself another similarity to Jennie at some point. Because even if they could blame other people, Jennie more so than her, at the end of the day the statement that stands will be that it's their fault and that something must be really wrong with their decisions and own self. And they'd choose what's better for someone else's sake instead of their own.

"Can't we at least be friends?" She asked in a whisper that can easily be missed.

"You know someone used to ask that so much but I only gave the answer to a persistent idiotic kid." She replied, dodging the question by facing the ceiling again. She knew that Jisoo was listening, of course, and she went on to explain by using her fingers. "They were like two different kinds of baby."


"Baby as in toddler or, I don't know, young children." Jennie suddenly laughed and glanced at her. "Why does it seem like I have to make my words clearer than before with you?"

"I don't know too." Jisoo chuckled and the grin remained even after doing so. "Your words could imply a lot of things."

"Geez, Jaesu. That's like saying there's always some dirty underlying meanings to my exact words."

"Maybe because you don't easily make sense. Or rather your words make sense in different things."

"What am I now? A psychopath? A sociopath?"

"Hey you're the one saying that. I'm not psychoanalyzing you."

"Pfft. Yeah yeah whatever." Jisoo didn't really see it but she could tell Jennie rolled her eyes. They looked at each other at the same time and ended up laughing.

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