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The amount of people that has showed up is beyond me. I think there is at least 100 people here and all because of me. Me. I still can't shake the feeling that they all came because of little ol' me. Obviously, some people are people I invited personally, but others are total strangers that has simply come because they are interested in my work.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. "I love this picture," Bonnie says crossing her arms admiring a picture of herself.

"I like the motive more," I say chuckling as I admire the details. It's a picture of Bonnie from back in July. I remember we were at Tamarama beach, and she was looking at the ocean completely unaware that I was taking pictures of her. It was raining a little, but the wind made her hair fly backwards exposing her face and the freckles adorning her skin. Her curls really stand out in the picture.

"Thanks. You know this is truly great. I told you people would show up."

"I know, but sometimes you're your own biggest critique."

"You're more talented than you know," she says giving me a wink, and I place a hand on her shoulder in thanks and find Maddie and Adam.

"Hey, you two," I say first giving Maddie a cuddle and then Adam. "Thanks for coming."

"I'm really impressed, Leah. I had no idea you were this talented," Adam says walking off to admire the pictures.

"He's right. You are very talented," Maddie says placing her arm around my waist.

"Thank you, babe," I say placing my arm over her shoulders.

"Any pictures of me?"

"Only a ton," I say.

"Really?" Maddie wonders widening her eyes at me.

"Well, I think there's at least five. There should be one of you and Adam too."

"Jjust promise to give me the copies."

"Sure," I say and watch her as she walks over to Adam. I take a deep breath and try to let it all sink in. It just shows how in a single moment one's life can change, and that hard work pays off. Had I listened to my mum and found a "real" job, this would probably never have happened and I would never had been able to pursue my dreams. Photography was truly my passion and I was happy I had never given up, even during the long hours at the café or while being Harry's secretary. I hadn't talked to him since back in June or July. I wasn't sure when it was that he showed up at my place. I did however write to him last month asking for permission to use a picture of him for my exhibition. Luckily, he was only happy to help even if it might mean that his picture will probably end up at a strangers place. Time seemed to have been flying since we last saw each other, and I could not be more happy about my life right now. I was aware there was still a lot of hard work ahead and that I wasn't going to earn a lot of money from one day to the next. But the fact that people had actually showed up today to see my pictures proved to me that there was hope that someday I could actually make a living from this.

"I'm so proud of you, love," my dad says engulfing me into his arms.

"Thanks dad. What about mum?"

"I'm sure she's proud of you too, although I'm not sure she's much of admitting it. You know how much pried she has."

I roll my eyes and hug him back. "That's so typically her," I say knowing that the fact that she's here is her way of supporting me even if she's never going to actually tell me she's proud of me.

"And all these people-" he says looking around the crowd. "theres so many, and they're all here because of you."

"Yeah, it's pretty crazy," I say walking over to mum.

Moments of Impact H.S. A.U.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora