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Around 8:30pm I make my way out of the bus at Circular Quay and can't help but think that I should just wait for the next bus to take me back home. But it's still fairly early, and I don't have to stay late. I can still have a few drinks so Maddie won't bother me about being a bore for not drinking and then make it back home before midnight. That way I won't be tired tomorrow nor will I be hungover. Besides I don't really have an excuse, I don't have any plans tomorrow. I will probably just end up watching another series on Netflix.

The good thing about summer is that the sun has not set just yet, and it is still warm outside as I head towards The Rocks. It is actually a beautiful night perfect for a walk. For a moment, I consider heading in the other direction towards the botanic garden instead, but that's an idea for another night preferably with someone else. That's the thing when you're alone, these things just aren't as much fun. Sure I can go for a walk by myself, but it just isn't the same. As much as I love my own company, I also love doing things with other people. And experiences are often more fun when you can share them with others.

I sigh to myself. One day. I think. One day I will meet someone like Maddie.

As I get closer to the club I see people on the street and the noise from nearby bars fill my ears. People already sound drunk, and I just hope that Maddie isn't too hammered already. Although if she is, and she gets thrown out of the club then I have my excuse to leave. I seriously need to be more optimistic about this night, who knows maybe tonight I'll find the one. Or not.

I grab my wallet out of my purse and flash the doorman my driver's license while thinking that this law is ridiculous, there's no way I look to be under 18. But rules are rules, and at least I'm let in although he did look at my birthday for a long time as if contemplating whether or not I was using a false ID.

The place is already fairly crowded, but I quickly spot Maddie and her boyfriend Arthur along with a lot of guys I don't know. There seems to be at least ten of them. They are all sitting outside at a nearby table, and I take a deep breath and make my way over. "Hi," I say placing a hand on Maddie's shoulder.

"Omg! You're here, everyone this is my friend Lee," she screams out to the crowd and some hold up a hand in 'hi', some give me a nod and others are eyeing me in an uncomfortable way as I try to call out that my name is actually Leah, although, I'm not sure anyone actually hears me.

"Happy birthday, Arthur," I say giving him a hug.

"Thank you, Leah. I'm glad you could make it," he says, and I give him a smile. It's not that I don't like him, but at the same time I don't really know him. We have never talked much which makes all this a little more awkward. "Scoot over," Maddie says to a guy and indicates for me to grab a barstool at a nearby table. I oblige knowing she has already had quite a lot to drink.

"I'm Hugh," the guy next to me who Maddie ordered to scoot over says and gives me his hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Leah," I say, and he gives me a smile.

"I thought it was Lee," he chuckles, and I look over at Maddie who's taking a sip from a drink.

"Yeah, that's all she ever calls me. Don't think about it though," I say holding up a finger with a smile playing on my lips. I don't want him calling me Lee as well. I must admit, he is quite attractive. Why has Maddie never introduced me to any of Arthur's friends before?

"So what are you drinking, Leah?" He asks, and I shake my head. Since I don't drink much I don't have a drink I prefer. In a matter of fact, I tend to just have wine.

"I dunno. Surprise me," I say biting my bottom lip, and he gives me a nod and heads for the bar. Am I supposed to join him? It's not that I want him to pay for my drink. "When did you come?" I ask Maddie feeling bad for letting Hugh order for me, but he probably knows more about drinks than I do. I'm sure he'll order something good. Should I offer him money for the drink?

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