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To my luck, Harry did not fire me after my first day, and although he had been messing with me about the coffee he practically had me running for the rest of the day, and I had been tired when I finally made it home. He had me set up meetings, answering emails, phone calls etc. But at least it was by no means boring. I had even forgotten to call Maddie which was very unlike me. She had me tell her about my day down to every single detail, and she was practically certain Harry had a good eye for me. Not that she would know, just because he seemed to be flirting with me did not mean anything. Perhaps he was just doing it to make me like him which I did. Not like that off course, but he seemed like a very nice man.

Just like every morning, I hesitantly make my way into Harry's office to let my presence known. I'm not supposed to be in here as I've had my own desk set up in another room, but Harry really seems to care about my wellbeing. He wants me to meet at his office before and after work in case I have any questions about my work. He wants me to inform him if I have any uncertainties about something.

"Good morning, Harry," I say handing him his cup of coffee. This is not actually part of my job. Harry has assured me he can make coffee himself, but I don't mind.

"Good morning, Leah," he says giving me a smile.

"I brought you a croissant," I say handing the bag to him in anticipation.

"And why would you do that?" He asks. Not the reaction I was hoping for.

"To be honest with you, I wanted one for myself, and then I thought it would be a bit rude if I was eating one without offering you anything. So well, I bought one for you too," I say looking at the floor unsure if my gesture is being received in a bad way. "If you don't want it, I'll eat it for lunch." I've totally lost my cool by now. Why does he always make me so uneasy?

"Thank you, Leah," he says giving me a smile as he takes the bag. I let out a sigh of relief. "I don't remember when I last had one of these. My girlfriend says it's bad for the figure," he chuckles, and I look at him in confusion. I didn't know he had a girlfriend.

"Girlfriend?" I ask surprised, my mind speaking for me. Honestly, it's none of my business.

"Scratch that, she's actually my fiancée," he says indifferent, and I feel a tension build around us. Not that it should matter that he is in a relationship. "Now, don't just stand there. Take a seat. Eat with me," he says grabbing the croissant from the bag. Hesitantly, I sit down. This was not what I had intended. So Harry is engaged. Of course, he is. I feel silly for thinking even just for a second that he might grow a liking towards me. Not that I really gave it much thought, but it did cross my mind even if I don't like to admit it. But I know men don't want me like that. I am nothing but nice.

"You alright?" Harry's eyes meet mine, and I notice he has his mouth full of food.

"Yeah," I mumble trying to stay indifferent. He's still my boss and nothing was going to happen anyway. That would just be really weird and totally unprofessional of me.

"So everything's good here? You don't want to change anything?"

"What would I change?"

"I dunno. Your work hours? Your amount of tasks? Something you aren't happy about?" He asks taking a sip of his coffee.

"No, I believe everything's good. At least so far. It's all just a lot to take in. Definitely different than my work at the café. But so far everything's good," I confess nipping at the croissant trying not to let too many crumbs fall on the floor.

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