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The Way Harry's hand runs up and down my arm feels soothing, and I feel myself relax at his touch. Can't I have someone to caress me all day everyday? Perhaps that's what it's like to be in a relationship with someone.

I'm not sure who came up with the idea, but somehow we ended up on the roof of the building he's living in. It would be nice if we could actually watch the stars, but we can't. The city is too bright, and it's too cloudy I guess. But being up here lying on a pile of blankets and duvets with my head resting on Harry's chest is pretty nice too. Actually scratch that, it's pretty amazing. A duvet is resting on top of us warming our bodies, but I'm not sure if I even need it. Having Harry this close to me does something to me I can't explain, but it feels oh so damn good.

"You cold?" Harry asks never letting his hand stop his actions.

"No," I say staring out over the city.

"Your skin-"

"I'm not cold," I say, which is the truth although I'm sure Harry doesn't believe me. I think my body could be freezing and I still wouldn't feel it.

"Do you come up here often?" I wonder thinking of Kaia. I can't help but let her cross my mind. Perhaps he has brought her up here too, but I don't ask him the question that's right on my tongue. I don't want to bring up the topic of her.

"Sometimes. I like to get up here and clear my head. It seems that a lot of people don't know it exists. It's peaceful up here, although you can hear the sounds of cars, it kind of feels like you're disconnected from the rest of the world up here. Sometimes I can sit here for hours observing," he tells me, and a smile forms on my lips.

"You sound like me. That's what I do with my photography. Whenever I'm out taking pictures I feel disconnected to the world around me. All I care about is that one moment in front of me. I tend to sit around observing people quite a lot, however, I do spend a fair amount of time watching everything through a lens.

"I wish I had that."

"What?" I wonder liking how we are just lying here talking to one another. I love learning new things about him, and I love how open he is. His actions and his words tell me that he really does trust me, and that means the world to me.

"Something to be passionate about like you are with your photography."

"You don't have that?" I wonder.


"You don't have anything you're passionate about?"

"Work," he chuckles.

"Apart from that?" I ask. "You didn't have anything growing up? Any dreams?" I couldn't imagine living in a world where I wasn't passionate about anything.

"I used to love soccer. I wanted to become a professional. But sadly that ship has sailed a long time ago."

"How many years did you play?"

"Ten years I reckon. My parents made me stop, said it was keeping my focus from school," he says. His hand never leaves my arm. The friction of his touch is sending tingles through my body, and it almost feel like I'm floating.

"Do you regret it?" I wonder.

"If I regret stopping?" He pauses, "Sometimes," he says answering his own question. "Not because I think I could have become a professional if I'd continued, but because it was nice having something that was all mine."

"I get that," I say looking up at him to send him a smile. "That's why I like my photography. I like that it's something I'm doing just for me."

"When did you start taking pictures?"

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