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I wake up as I feel my body being lifted off of whatever it was I was lying on. I want to open my eyes and take a look at my surroundings, but as I try to look, the light from a lamp burns my eyes and I instantly shut them.

"Go back to sleep," I hear a soft voice say, and I realise that not only does it belong to Harry, but that he's also carrying me one arm underneath my legs and the other secured around my back.

"Harry?" I mumble wanting to jump out of his arms, but I stop myself not wanting to cause a scene, and he places me carefully on what feels like my bed and tugs my duvet over me.

"Sweet dreams," he says running a hand over my right arm. I feel goose bumps rise all over my body and recollect the memory of that night I fell asleep at the office. He had brushed my arm intentionally back then too.

"Harry?" I say not wanting him to leave. Part of me actually wants to beg him not to go.

"Yes?" He says and in the dark I can tell he's looking at me. I don't know when I fell asleep, but the last thing I remember is Harry and I eating chocolate to Friends.

"Thank you," I say not only for taking me to bed, but for letting me in, for telling me about Kaia, for keeping me company, for believing in me and giving me a job and for being incredibly nice to me, but I don't elaborate.

"Should it be another time," he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice although I can't see it. "I'll let myself out," he says and once again I'm close to telling him to stay. But although I like his company more than my own it wouldn't be right. I can't be selfish like that.

"Goodnight Harry," I manage saying as I hear him leave my bedroom and close the door behind him. Moments later I hear the front door open and close.

I'm alone. Again. 

I sigh and get up no longer tired. I walk to the living room, turn on the light, my eyes no longer bothered by it, and see that it's almost 00:30. Harry must have turned the light off as he made his way out. How time had passed by so quickly is beyond me, but it's nice knowing that Harry enjoys my company so much that he stayed this long. If he didn't he could just have snuck out when I fell asleep.

I notice that the TV is turned off and that he's cleaned the coffee table and when I head for the kitchen, I see the remains of the sweets inside a bowl on the countertop and all the dirty dishes is placed in the dishwasher.

With a smile on my lips I head to the bathroom to clean my face and brush my teeth. There's no way I'll sleep with make-up on. I pee and head back to my bedroom to change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I even change into a clean pair of knickers just because cotton ones are so much more comfortable.

Lying in my bed I can't help but think of Harry wondering if we are actually friends, or if there's somehow more to it. And if there is, I can't help but wonder how that's going to work out. Because he can't be putting more into this, he can't. But part of me feels like he is, and all I seem to do is let him. It may be wrong, but I like the attention. And I'm pretty sure everyone  needs a little attention once in a while. Perhaps Harry feels the same. His relationship with Kaia surely doesn't seem like a normal relationship, but perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps she is giving Harry the attention he deserves considering they're together. I mean what do I know?


"Finally you decide to come back. What has it been? a month?" Bonnie chuckles as she approaches me with a cuddle.

"I think it's been a month and a half if I'm honest. Time flies," I say taking a look at the café as we take off and head down towards he beach.

"Yeah. You've sure been busy. How's work?" She asks.

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