Chapter 10

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After another hour, Draco paces as a doctor walks into the room. Doctor stops when he sees her "Which one of you is Dani?"

"I am." Draco states, before stepping up to her and giving a grim "Is my baby boy going to live?"

She gives a weak smile "He's alive and out of surgery." Draco nods, rapidly, as tears stream down his face "However, we have no idea if he'll have neurological damage."

Draco nods, before asking "Can we see him? If he's not long for this earth, I want to be near him."

She nods, before asking "Is everyone here, family?" Draco nods, instantly, before she waves us over.

As we walk down a network of hallways, she explains "He's in an incubator in the Nic-U, so you won't be able to hold him."

Draco gives a confused look "Nic-U?"

"Newborn Intensive Care Unit." the doctor states "NICU, for short. All medical personnel call it Nic-U."

Draco nods and I ask "How long do you think he'll be in the incubator?"

She hisses, before humming "I can't tell for certain. I've had similar patients there for a couple of months, to over a year."

She stops a nurses station and picks up a stack of paperwork "You'll be able to see your son after you fill out this paperwork. The nurses are still setting up his incubation room."

Draco instantly starts filling out the paperwork. He stops on the last page and asks "Janet already signed away her parental rights?"

"Yes." The doctor states and she explains "She signed it hours ago. I thought you knew that already."

Draco shakes his head and she sighs "Well, she's going to rehab tomorrow." Draco nods, before putting the pen down "Let's go meet your son."

She leads us down another hall and stops in front of a large window. Inside, is a large glass incubator with a doll like being inside. He looks to only be able to fit in one hand, and it aches to look at him.

Draco gasps "He's so small."

The doctor smiles weakly "Do you want to go in?" Draco looks to her and she leads us into a little room next to it "You'll have to change clothes and scrub down."

We stand in corners to strip down and change into scrubs. Once we're done, we scrub up and put on hospital socks.

When the door opens, Draco hesitates. He gives me a panicked look, before stepping in and stopping right next to the incubator "Can I touch the glass?"

The doctor nods, but clarifies "Don't go near the plastic arm hole." Draco nods, before resting his hands on the top of the glass.

"Hello, Scorpio." he whispers, before stating "My beautiful baby boy." he looks up at the doctor and asks "Can he hear me?"

She nods, before explaining "He can hear you, but his main job is to sleep. I encourage you to talk to him. It'll help his mental growth." Draco hums, before she continues "He'll open his eyes, occasionally, but he won't be able to focus on anything, just yet."

Draco gives a proud smile, before a tear runs down his face and he laughs in joy "I'm upset that he's sick, but I'm just so happy."

The doctor smiles, before stating "A lot of parents in your situation feel like that. It's hard to be THAT far from him, isn't it?"

Draco nods "All I want to do is hold him." she smiles, kindly, before he asks "Do you know if he'll have any long term issues?"

"Not yet." she states, before her pager goes off. She checks it and sighs "I'm sorry. I have a delivery. Feel free to stay here, head to the cafeteria, anything." she starts to turn away "Just use new clothes when you come back."

"Thank you." he smiles and she leaves. Once she's gone, Draco looks to me "Come meet our precious baby boy."

Silently, I step over and get a closer look at his little face. He looks a lot like Draco, and he has a mass of black hair "He's beautiful." I whisper and a tear runs down my face.

The surgical sutures on his stomach hold the graft of my skin. Draco scoffs "He really is our son."

I hum and he gasps "We've got to tell him The Tale of the Three Brothers." I chuckle and he pulls up a chair to take a seat.

Aiden smiles "I'm going to give you boys your family time." Draco gives a grateful look, before Aiden steps out.


The next morning, I nudge him awake and he stretches out with a yawn "What's wrong? Is Scorpio okay?"

"He's fine." I state, before explaining "You need to eat. We haven't eaten in sixteen hours, and we need you healthy, to insure he is healthy."

He shakes his head "I can't leave him."

I think for a second, before sighing "I'm going to get you some food, and a couple of mobiles. When I get back, we will sit on the bench, right outside that window."

He takes a moment, before nodding.

By the time we sit on the bench, eating tacos, the doctor walks by and stops "I was about to feed Scorpio."

Draco clears his throat and swallows his bite "I was wondering if we could put him on a plant-based formula?"

She hums, before looking down at the clipboard "Actually, he's been on a plant-based formula since birth." Draco nods and she explains "His tummy was already so must up that we decided that we can't have him have  gastric inflammation."

Draco asks "Is there anyway to keep him on a plant-based formula for his hospital stay?" she nods, before walking into the incubation room.

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