Chapter 9

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The next eight months pass calmly and I can feel myself growing closer to Draco. I still haven't told him how I feel.

On this day, I put away Draco's clothes as I spot a purple cloth that I've never seen before. As I lift it up, I find it's a purple cotton robe.

I fold it up and and walk down the stairs. When I walking through the snug to get to the study, I find Draco doing some accounting "I found your robe."

He looks up and sets his jaw. He's completely silent for a moment, before stating "You weren't supposed to find that."

I huff and toss it into the study armchair "We talked about this, Draco! It's to dangerous for you to do this!"

He's completely silent for a moment, until something clicks in my head "Did you get Aiden to make the fabric for you? Because, he's the only guy in town that grows cotton and has a cotton gin."

He puts his pen down and sighs "Harry-"

"No, Draco!" I hiss and he goes quiet "If-" the phone rings in the kitchen and I insist "We're not done."

I walk into the kitchen and answer the phone "Hello?" I ask.

"Is this a Dani Evans?" a woman asks and I call over my shoulder.

Draco comes and picks up the phone "This is Dani Evans." he's silent for a moment, before turning to me and pantomiming writing something down.

I grab him a notepad and pen as he asks "What hospital is it?" he nods as he writes something down in states "Whitchurch. What's the address?" he writes something else down and confirms the address, before stating "I'm on my way. I'll be there in an hour."

He hangs up and I ask "What's wrong? Who's in the hospital?"

"Janet Briggs." he states and I give a confused look "The girl I had a one night stand with, on my birthday."

He grabs his jacket and starts out the door. I follow shortly behind him as he raises to the truck "Why is she in the hospital?" I ask.

It's not until he starts the engine that he explains "Apparently, she just gave birth to a baby." he starts to pull down the driveway "My baby."

Goosebumps cover my arms and I ask "Is she sure it's yours?" he nods and I frown "That baby shouldn't have been born yet."

"Yeah, I know." he states, before pushing the gas to the limit of eighty.

"Draco, the truck is going to overheat if you don't slow down!" I insist and he speeds up.


When we run into the labor and delivery unit, Draco stops at the nurses unit "I'm Dani Evans. You called me about Janet Briggs."

The nurse looks up to us and explains "The newborn is in surgery." I can see the light drain from Draco's eyes.

"What's wrong with the baby?" I ask and she gives an apologetic look "Is-is the baby going to be okay?"

She gives a too sad look "He's got gastroschisis, meaning there's a hole in his stomach. He's four pounds, and the prognosis isn't good."

Draco covers his mouth as she continues "Janet Briggs has been injection Crystal Meth throughout the pregnancy. It's a wonder he's even alive."

Draco sobs and I grab his shoulder in support, before telling her "She'll be charged for endangerment of a child, right?"

She shrugs "If she signs away custody of the child, she might get off." I nod and she asks "Would you like to keep him?"

"Yes!" Draco states, instantly, before insisting "He's got to live, he's got to!" His eyes go crystal clear.

She gives a weak smile, before nodding towards the waiting room "Have a seat in the waiting room. There's complementary coffee, crumpets, and a courtesy phone." She squeezes Draco's hand and reassures "I will personally keep you two updated."

I nod and lead Draco into the waiting room. When I sit Draco down and turn to the phone, Draco asks "What are you doing?"

"Calling Aiden." I state. As soon as he picks up, I speak "Hey, it's James. Will you please go over to our house and lock up?"

There's silence on the other end of the line, before he asks "Why aren't you two at home? It's almost midnight."

"We're at a hospital in Cardiff." I state, before explaining "Dani slept with some broad and got her pregnant."

"Wow!" he sighs, before asking "Well, at least tell me the baby is okay?"

"Not really." I state, before explaining "She's been using crystal meth. The baby boy was born two month early, at four pounds."

"Shite." he sighs, before asking "What hospital?"


About an hour later, Aiden walks over and asks "Have you heard anything?" we shake our heads as the nurse walks in.

Draco's on his feet, instantly and she sighs "I just got word from the doctor. There's not enough skin to patch the hole in his stomach."

Draco furrows his brow "What about a skin graph? Would that help?"

She nods "I was going to suggest that, and yes, it would." She gives a weak smile "But we need someone with O- blood type."

In unison, all three of us declare "Test me."


She gives us an odd look before stating "Surprising, one of you have the blood type O-, and it's not daddy." she looks to me "You are one in fifteen people with O-. A universal donor. How do you feel about giving this little boy a skin graft?"

"Let's do it." I state, instantly, and she leads me back into a room. Not five minutes later, I walk back into the waiting room and weak smile.

Draco's voice quivers as he states "You probably just saved my son's life." I give soft shrug and he shakes his head "There's no way I can ever repay you for that."

I shrug, before taking a seat "As far as I'm concerned, that's my son, too." he nods as a tear slips from down his cheek.

Aiden asks "Your house doesn't have cental heat and air, do you?" we shake our heads and he nods "Tomorrow morning, I'll call my cousin. He'll set you up."

"Thank you." Draco states and Aiden pats his shoulder "I wouldn't even know where to begin with that."

Aiden hums, before asking "Have you picked out a name yet? I have another cousin how makes wood furniture. He'll make you a crib."

"You don't have to do that." Draco sighs, before stating "You're already doing enough, seriously. I can't ask any more of you."

Aiden gocks, before insisting "It'll be my pleasure." he furrows his brow "Besides, they owe me some favors."

Draco sighs a weak smile, before announcing "Scorpio. That's his name." he nods and Draco explains "Meaning brave and protective."

"It's a good name." I smile and he sniffs, before I ask "What about a middle name? Something clever."

A weak smile crosses his face and he states "Severus." I hum and he explains "He was the smartest, cleverest, most compassionate man I've ever meet."

"Scorpio Severus Evans?" I ask and he nods, causing me to smile "I like that." he smiles and I sigh "I wonder how long until he's out of surgery."

"If he comes out." Draco states, before looking at me "We shouldn't get our hopes up. We have no idea what problems he'll have."

To Build a Home- Drarry Fanfic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang