Chapter 1

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"Harry wait!" I scream as Harry tries to snap the wand in half "There's no telling who will be after you when the heat settles down! What if Lucius Malfoy decides to attack you?"

He looks to me, before looking down at his wand and frowning "You're right Hermione." he puts his wand away, before declaring "We should follow the Malfoys."

Before I can even try to stop him, he disapperates away. Ron looks to me and asks "Should we get mum and dad to come with us? Just in case?"

I nod, before we run back towards the castle.


By the time we get to the manor, it's up in flames. Narcissa is on the ground, screaming for Draco.

It's not until the smell hits me that I realize.

Draco is inside.

And it's not until I run around looking for Harry, that I let myself realize.

Harry is also inside.

My lungs deflate and I can't seem to feel them with oxygen. My knees snap and I end up in the hot mud, next to Narcissa.

Sobbing feels the air around me, and it's not until Ron coddles me that I recognize it as my own.

My heart physically aches.

It wasn't until the fire died down did we get confirmation. Three bodies were found. Lucius, Draco, and Harry.

When they declared him dead, it was like a slap in the face. They plastered his face in the paper, and it was like a reality check.

I was at the ministry when Narcissa was tried. Physically broke down in front of everyone. But I did care.

Life became a blur after that. A blur of breakdowns and beating up on Ron when I was upset, which was a constant.

After a year of him being gone, I started to heal. Ron became less of a punching bag and more of a teddy bear.

He grew in wisdom after Harry died. He cried every night for months, but finally had dry eyes by the end of the year.

In the Weasley house, Harry became the same as Voldemort. We didn't dare speak his name and referred to him as 'You-Know-Who'.

Voldemort became a thing of the past. Everyone lived in harmony and looked up to Harry as if he was a Saint.

But that was the same when he was alive.

Ron told me one day that he finally related with Malfoy. He said that he never understood what Malfoy meant when he call Harry Saint Pottah.

"Wizards forgot about Fred." Ron said one day as we laid in bed "Harry's face is plastered everywhere, but nobody recognized Fred was gone."


Five years pass, and Harry became an old memory. Until one day, I sit at the breakfast table. Suddenly, an ugly brown owl swoops in and lands on the table, note clutched in beak.

With a sigh, I take it and the owl flies off. The note is addressed to me.

"I miss you dearly,
My best friends.
I am near you.
I wish to see you again.
Go to 4,
To look for more.
Fore I am not dead."

I read it over and over for a minute, before Ron asks "What is it?" I look up to him, dumbfoundedly.

After a moment, I hand over the note and state "It's Harry."


"Go to four to look for more." I state as I pace in the living room, Ron by my side "Go to 4 to look for more." Suddenly, it hits me and I look to Ron "4 Privet Drive."

Instantly, we disapperate. We land in the back year and scare the shit our of the Dursleys. We completely ignore them and step into the cupboard under the stairs. On the shelf, are three things: a photo of Lily, a green army man, and a little toy barn. On the back of the photo reads "Come find us!"

"What are you doing?" Vernon asks, almost innocently.

We back out of the cupboard and look to Petunia. She looks drained as I ask "Does this toy soilder, the barn, or this photo mean anything to you?"

Hesitantly, she steps forward and looks at them, before stating "Evans means young soldier. The Welsh interpretation, anyway."

Ron and I share a look, before disapperating back to the burrow. In an instant, I grab a map of the UK and point out "The southeast is agriculture rich. Maybe that's what the barn means."

"You think Harry is there?" Ron asks.

I nod, before taking in a shakey breath "I don't know about you, but I'm willing to search every last building in Southeast Wales to find him."

He sighs, before shaking his head "I don't know Mione. Why wouldn't he just come home? Why would he fake his death?"

I hiss "It doesn't matter, Ron! He's our best friend!"

"Is he?" Ron asks, before declaring "He left us. Let us grieve. Let everyone believe he was dead." his voice cracks as tears clear his eyes "Let me believe he was dead."

I sigh, before hanging my head "How about we stay here until we figure out what city? Then well go."

He shakes his head and I continue "If there's nothing there, we stop looking!"

"We stop looking after that?" he asks and I nod "You promise that we stop after that."

"I promise." I insist.

He nods and I look down at the map. Suddenly, something catches my eye catches on a little town at the very bottom of Wales "Y Barn." I state.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. Why a barn, instead of a cow, or horse." Ron sighs "How hard is it to find a little plastic barn?"

"No." I point to the town "Y Barn! It's a town!" Ron looks at it and I laugh "We found him, Ron! Come on! We've gotta go!"

As I grab my bag, he sighs "Hermione, wait." I look to him and he shrugs "I don't think I want to see him."

"Why not?" I ask and he looks down in shame "Ronald Billus Weasley, you look at me and tell me why?"

"What if someone is just playing a cruel trick on you?" he asks, before shaking his head "It's not Harry, Hermione." he sighs "I refuse to believe that he wouldn't reach out to us."

I think for a second, before flipping the photo over and showing him the words "Tell me you don't recognize that chickenscratch." he gives an unamused look and I shrug "If I'm wrong and this is a cruel joke, then at least I took the risk."

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