Chapter 2

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As we walk around the massive farmers market in Y Barn, Ron sighs "Hermione, he's not here."

I hold up my finger, before stepping over to a man selling tomatoes and zucchini "How can I help you?" he asks.

"I'm looking for a friend." I state, before explaining "He's a short guy with dark brown hair and green eyes. He wears glasses. Might go by Potter."

He shakes his head and Ron sighs "I told you he's not here, Hermione."

I show the man a photo of Harry and continue "He might be with a tall blonde guy, kinda skinny."

He frowns, before taking the photo "That's James! He's filled out a bit, and he's not with a blonde guy."

"James?" I ask and he nods "Well, does he come here often?"

"He has a booth here." the man states, before jabbing his finger to the empty booth next to him "Just missed him about an hour ago. Him and Dani usually leave a bit early."

"Dani?" I ask and he nods "What doesn't Dani look like?"

He thinks for a second, before replying "Tall guy, musclar, blue eyes, brown hair." he shrugs "Seem like a couple of fairies, but I don't judge."

"Why do they seem gay?" I ask and he shrugs.

"They share a farm, with their son, and they don't eat any animal products." he scoffs "Anybody like that has to be a bit of a fairy."

"They've got a son?" Ron asks and the guy nods "How old is the kid? About four?"

"Turned four a couple of days ago." he states, before shrugging "It's weird. They show up out of the blue and buy out this old guy's farm full of diseased fig trees. Overnight, they nurse the trees back to health. Evans has a mighty green thumb."

"Evans?" I ask and he nods "Who's Evans?"

"They both are!" he scoffs, before explaining "James, Dani, and Scorpio Evans. Have that big farm that you pass by on the way to Cardiff."

He hands over the photo and I put it in my purse, before looking to Ron "You know, I'm in dier need for a fig."


When we drive up the farm, the gates are open. As we drive down the driveway, the fig trees block all view to the house.

It's not until we reach a clearing that I find a greystone Welsh farmhouse with an old orange truck parked next to the shed next to it.

As we park the car, a brunette walks out of the shed and places a crate of figs on the tailgate. When we step out of the car, the brunette looks to us and I recognize him, instantly.

Draco Malfoy.

Ron and I share a look, before stepping towards him. By the time we reach him, he's stacking crates in the back.

"You know, you look pretty good for a dead guy." Ron remarks.

Draco moves a lock of hair out of him eyes, before stating "I can't possibly begin to explain what the hell happened. You wouldn't believe half of it."

My gaze follows down his bare chest, to his arm. The dark mark is replaced with a singe scar "That happen in the fire?"

"Ahh, no." he sighs, before climbing off the back of the truck "Come on, I'll show you where he is."

He leads us around the back of the house and into the sitting room. As we take a seat, I frown "Who sent the note? This morning?"

"I did." Draco states and I raise an eyebrow to him "I've gotta say, I didn't think you would figure it out that fast. I thought the Evans thing would trip you up for a couple of days."

"We had help." I state and he nods, before I ask "So, where is Harry?"

He points up, before explaining "He's trying to get Scorpio to sleep. Scorpio is a bit under the weather."

Ron furrows his brow and asks "Is Scorpio your son, or his?"

"We co-parent." He nods, before shrugging "Scorpio wanted Harry to tell him a story." he crosses his arms, before sighing "But if you meant biologically, he's mine."

I give a confused look, before asking "Is the mother not in the picture?"

He takes a breath, before explaining "She was a one night stand. And a junky." he shrugs "It wasn't until thirty-two weeks later that I got a call. He was born eight weeks early, and he had a hole in his tummy. He was in NICU for twelve months before we could take him home. Mummy dearest signed away custody. And he was still in an incubation pod when she checked herself out of rehab."

"She was a muggle?" Ron asks and Draco nods "And you hit that?"

Draco scoffs, before stating "I really hate her." We give him a concerned look, before he explains "To the extent that I wanted to kill her when he was first born. But it wasn't because she was a muggle."

"Do you think Scorpio will be a wizard?" I ask.

"I hope not." he sighs and I give him a bewildered look "There's a lot of door that can't be unopened."

There's footsteps above and Draco steps away. I can hear whispering, until finally I hear Harry ask "You did what?"

There's more whispering until I hear Draco state "They're in the sitting room."

There's utter silence for a moment before Harry rounds the corner with a full beard. He stops when he sees us. Finally, he turns to Draco "We'll talk about this later."

"I'm going to go deliver to Barney's, Gigi's, and Frans's." he holds out his hand "I need the keys." Harry hands them over, before Draco states "I'll make dinner when I get home."

Harry furrows his brow, before declaring "I'll make it. Since you're making the deliveries."

Draco gocks "Please, you've got some splainin to do." he says, playfully, before stating "And it'll give Scorpio a longer nap."

Draco starts to walk away, before Harry takes his hand. Ron and I share a look, before Harry kisses Draco and hugs him around the waist "I love you."

Draco gives a warm smile, before declaring "I love you, too." he rubs up and down Harry's arms, before stating "I told Gigi I would be there by five thirty. I've gotta get going."

Harry releases him and declares "We told Barney twelve, Frans fourteen, and Gigi two. Don't let them haggle you."

"Yeah, yeah." Draco rolls his eyes and declares "I'll be back in an hour." He starts to turn away, but stops "Also, we're about to have to start harvesting apples, next week."

Harry sighs "We'll get it done, Draco. Calm down." Draco hums, before Harry states "You worry to much."

"I have my reasons." Draco states, before sighing "I've gotta go. Gigi is probably counting down the seconds."

Harry gocks "She loves to hit on you." Draco hums, before giving Harry another kiss and leaving.

Harry turns to us and smiles weakly "I'm probably on the shit list, aren't I?"

"Why did you come home?" Ron asks.

Reluctantly, Harry takes a seat and begs "Please, don't ask any questions until the end. It's a very long story."

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