Chapter 8

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The next morning, I stroll downstairs and a smell of burnt meat fills my nostrils. In utter confusion, I call out "Draco?"

When I get no answer, I look through the house, calling "Draco?" with no response, I start out the door, only to meet Draco at the door. He's paler than usual and he's sweating "What's happening?"

"Nothing is happening." he insists and I notice his sleeves are unbuttoned "I was just about to go harvest some figs."

I furrow my brow "Take a seat." I order and he gives a confused look, before I repeat "Take a seat!"

Silently, he obeys and I snatch his arm as he sits at the table, causing him to give a smug sneer "So, you're undressing me, now?"

I cock an eyebrow, before lifting his sleeve and finding a huge sear mark where the dark mark was "What did you use?" I ask, emotionlessly.

He's silent for a second, before stating "The wielding torch in the shed." I set my jaw and search for any emotion inside of myself other than anger.

"Why?" I ask, a hint of anger behind it, causing him to press his lips into a fine line. Finally, worry overtakes me and I ask "Why would you do this?"

He takes a second, before whispering "It's been two years." I give a confused look and he clarifies "Since Voldemort recruited me."

I sigh, before taking his hand and leading him up to our bathroom. When we stand next to our sink, I pour alcohol over his burn, causing him to hiss in pain.

After his wound is cleaned and wrapped, I press him back into the wall and threaten him "If you hurt yourself again, I will chop your dick off."

"That's a bit harsh." he states and I cock an eyebrow to him, causing him to nod "Noted." I hum, before walking off.


Later that night, Draco sits on the couch as he sips on a glass of wine. When I sit next to him, I take it from him and take a drink. We've grown very used to sharing everything. Drinks, food, in one case, toothbrushes.

As I hand it back, he sighs "I have to make things right." I give a confused look and he shrugs "I'm going to send your friends a letter, letting them know how to find you."

I take his wine glass from him and sit it down on the coffee table "How are you going to do that?"

He looks me straight in the eyes and states "I'm going back to Diagon Alley and renting an owl to send a letter."

"Like hell you are!" I roar and he cocks an eyebrow to me "How do you expect that anyone won't recognize you?"

He thinks for a second, before stating "My hair is dyed, we'll make wizard robes, and I'll buy colored contacts." I sigh and he insists "I know you miss your friends, okay? And I don't want you to loath me because I got in the way of you living a long happy life."

It's true. I really did miss my friends, but I don't think I would ever loath him for it. And if he got caught, I'd be all alone.

"Draco?" I ask, sadly, causing him to look at me "If you get caught, and I'm all alone, I won't have anyone. No friends and no life." I rest my hand on his shoulder and state "I don't want to take that chance."

He furrows his brow, before shaking his head "I can't live with myself if I don't take that chance."

My vision goes blurry and I shake my head as a tear runs down my cheek "Is it too much of me to ask that you just have a long and happy life here, with me?"

He gives a weak smile, before forcing my head to rest on his shoulder "If you really want me to, I'll stay."

I sigh and wipe my face "You're the only friend I have left." he rubs my arm and I shrug "I can't lose you."

That night, we fell asleep on that couch, it the exact position we sat in. That was the best night sleep I had, so far.


The next day, at lunch, I unpack my backpack and discover that I forgot to fill the water bottles.

After handing Aiden and Draco their tupperware meals, I sigh "I'll be back, I'm going to get some water."

Over the past month, we've started having lunch when the market was rather slow. Draco and I usually make meals the night before.

By the time I get back, Aiden and Draco are silent. When I sit, Aiden frowns "I never found out were you two met."

"We went to boarding school together." I state and he hums "You wouldn't have heard of it. It was a little school in the mountains in North Ireland."

"I grew up around there." he states and we hum, before he shrugs "But I only went to the state school."

Draco sighs "Yeah, our school was pretty expensive." he motions towards me "James got in on scholarship. He was a jock and had a pretty shit upbringing."

I hum and nudge Draco "Dani had a wealthy father, but he also had it hard. He was also a bit of a scholar in chemistry and horticulture."

"And history." he remarks, before explaining "I would have been first in our year, if not for James's friend... Haley."

I smirk at the fake name, before explaining "There was also a discount if you had siblings in that school. My friend, Reggie, he had five siblings that were already in that school."

Aiden smiles "Were you two friends in school?" In an instant, we both shake our heads, before I crack up.

"We hated each other from the day we got to school." I state, before howling "You landed us all in detention!"

He furrows his brow and states "I didn't hate you." I furrow my brow and he scoffs "I hated the fact that they called you The Golden Boy and worshipped the ground you walked on."

I remember our second year and I nudge him "I have to tell you a story later." he gives a confused look, before I chuckle "Me and Reggie pulled a big prank on your, one day, in our second year."

He sighs "Is it the time someone dyed my hair red in my sleep?" I give a confused look and he shakes his head "I knew it! I had to bleach my hair, three times!"

"Someone dyed your hair?" I laugh and he nods, before insisting "It must have been the twins, man."

"Sure it was." he glares and I hum, before he shrugs "Maybe it was. They placed pranks on everyone. I wonder how they're doing."

It hits hard and I furrow my brow "You don't know, do you?" he gives a confused look and I state "Fred died."

His face goes pale and Aiden asks "How'd he die?"

"He got jumped by a gangster." I state and I look to Draco "Augustus Rookwood, they believe."

Draco sighs and leans back "I knew him." I nod and he shakes his head "Fred was only twenty. He didn't deserve that. Augustus was a slimy, repolsive, dick."

I gock "I'll say."

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