Chapter 7

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On June 5th, I wake up early and sneak downstairs. As I bake a cake, I reflect on the last month of living with Draco.

For starters, we've set up a booth at the market. The figs are finally pulp for the pickings, as are the cherries.

Although the only figs have only been ripe for a couple of days, a few restaurants in the area have already latched on.

Every morning, we wake up more sore than the day before, but we're starting to get the farmers build.

After making the cake, and waffles for breakfast, I jab a candle into the cake and carry it up the stairs.

When I knock on his door, there's shuffling. It's nod until I knock again that he calls out "Come in!"

When I step into his room, he flicks on the night stand light and asks, tiredly confused "What's happening?"

I light the candle and his face goes even more confused "Happy Birthday!" I rejoice and he scoffs, before pulling the blanket up over his chest.

When I sit on the edge of his bed, I hand it over and he frowns "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Make a wish." I order and he thinks for a minute, before giving a short nod "Blow out the candle."

He blows it out and I nudge him "We'll eat this later. I made breakfast." I take the cake for him and stand. When I reach the door and he hasn't moved, I ask "Are you coming, or...?"

He clears his throat, before stating "I sleep naked." I cock an eyebrow to him and he bats his eyes.

"I've seen you naked." I remind and he peaks under the blanket, before looking at me "Whatever."

I close the door and step down the stairs.


During our ride from the little town of Y Barn, a thin strip off land, perpendicular to Port Talbot, to Cardiff, I ask "So, are you going to hook up, tonight?"

"I'm going to try." he remarks, before sighing "Going to get a little something tonight." I scoff and look to the road "What about you?"

I think for a second, before shaking my head "I don't think so." he groans and I shrug "I'm going to stay sober, so I can drive home later."

"Buzzkill." he murmurs and I snicker, before speeding up the beat up farm truck, causing him to ask, sarcastically "Wow, this rustbucket can go faster than fifty kilometers an hour?"

I laugh, before declaring "The old guy definately took the better of the two cars." he hums and I remember the first fight we had "Don't worry, I won't push it to eighty."

He laughs, before nudging me "That was probably the funniest thing ever." I cock an eyebrow to him and he sighs "How's the hand?"

"Burnt." I reply. The fight happened last week. The truck overheated while he was gunning it, and I burnt my hand trying to get the radiator cap off.

He gives a smug smile and declares "I told you not to touch it."

"Yeah-yeah." I grovel, before switching lanes.


As soon as we stepped foot into the nightclub, I lost Draco. After about an hour, I need to take a piss, so I stroll into the mens room.

When I walk into a stool, something grabs my attention in the next stall. I can hear a woman moaning.

In utter second hand embarrassment, I quickly use the restroom and wash my hands. As I turn on the water, I hear a man grunt.

Not seconds later, Draco steps out of the stall, buckling his belt. He spots me and exclaims "James! What are you doing in here?"

"I was using the lou." I remark as a girl with black hair walks out and tightens her jacket around her. She looks a little strung out, but all together, pretty.

She clears her throat and looks to Draco "Can I get your number?" Draco nods and she digs into her bag to get a pen.

After he writes our home phone on her hand, she smiles "Goodbye, Dani." He hums and she walks out.

Once she's gone, he turns to me "Ready to head home?" I hum and we stroll out of the night club.

When we get to the truck, I can smell alcohol on him "Tell me you wore protection?" he rests his head on the window and I sigh "She was definately on something."

He looks my way and shrugs "We're all on something, Harry. Anything to help us feel anything other than numb." He hums, before continuing "Anything to make us feel numb when we feel like shit."

I think for a moment, before asking "What did you take?" he giggles and I sigh "Draco, what did you take?"

He bites his lip, before shrugging "Just a little bit of pot-" he thinks for a second, before giggling "-tah"

I sigh and ask "Have you ever smoked pot, before?" he shakes his head and I scoff "What, did she give it to you?"

He furrows his brow and clarifies "This big guy in the parking lot. He had a beard and was on a bike, wearing a cut."

"A biker in the nightclub parking lot?" I ask and he shakes his head "Draco, I left you alone for an hour!"

"It was the gas station across the street!" he roars, before shrugging "I went to get a condom. I got sidetracked."

I scoff, before stating "Good thing I made that cake."

And as soon as we got home, he devoured the cake, using only a cake knife and his hands.

Once the cake is done, I lead him up the stairs and into his room. After tucking him in, I walk into my room and change, before slipping into bed.

As I try to drift asleep, my mind keeps me awake. I can't help but remember the sound of Draco's belt tapping the floor. The sounds of the girl, and how he must have-

It sparks more of an interest than it should.

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