Chapter 8 - The Power of Food and Bludgers

Start from the beginning


"Whatever is that smell?" Dumbledore thought as he sat in his stand, "Hmm? Why are all the students gathered in the Gryffindor stands?"

He, along with the other teachers, used a spell that allowed them to see what was causing the commotion. Snape, in particular, used a Far Sight potion that Vincent had made to take a closer look at the stands. His face slackened as he saw what was getting their attention.

Professor McGonagall watched Lee Jordan, who was the Quidditch commentator, come up to the stand a little later holding a package of sorts.

"What's going on?" McGonagall asked, noticing the commotion in the stands.

"Well you see," Lee said as he unwrapped what looked like—

"Food?" she thought before her eyes widened at Lee's explanation, "HE WHAT?!"

"What does that boy think his doing?!" Snape thought furiously.

"Ha, ha," Dumbledore chuckled, "that boy sure likes to make a commotion doesn't he?"

"He's mad," Ron said hollowly to Hermione, "He really is bloody mad!"

As the teams walked out, they noticed that a majority of the cheers came from the Gryffindor stands. They felt puzzled seeing the lack of people on the other three stands. They were soon snapped out of thought by Madam Hooch, the Quidditch teacher who asked Flint and Wood to shake hands, which they did, giving each other threatening stares and gripping rather harder than was necessary.

"On my whistle," said Madam Hooch. "Three... two... one..."

The moment Harry rose from the ground he saw what caused the commotion and put his head in his hands.

"So that's where he's been all morning," he thought.

All of the other players all stopped in mid-air to see a certain person cooking for all the spectators.

"Three sickles each!" Vincent yelled as he cooked what looked like small grilled pizzas, "Vegetarian on the left and the normal ones in the middle! A pixie will go around collecting your money and serving food!"

Vincent had about three different grills going on all filled with small pizzas. Nyx was rushing around handing out pizzas and getting money in return to which she deposited inside a small bag.

He had woken up extremely early, having to set up all his equipment at the stadium. He prepared a majority of uncooked pizzas beforehand so that he could cook them on the fly. The normal pizzas contained onions, small cuts of beef seasoned with spices and grilled vegetables which he did beforehand. He then covered it with cheese leaving it ready to grill. The result was a nicely grilled pizza with melted golden cheese encompassing the whole pizza dough.

For the vegetarian, he had tossed in broccoli, corn, red onion, cherry tomatoes, and basil. All of this was well seasoned beforehand with olive oil, salt, and pepper. After it was grilled he had drizzled some more of the cream over it before finishing it with red pepper flakes.

"How the hell does he have that many ingredients?" Ron asked Hermione

"A while ago, he received a bag from his guardian, Sister An," Hermione said watching Vincent hand out pizzas, "The inside of the bag has enough to fit five cars, or so Vincent claimed. That's some high-level magic."

"And he crammed it with cooking materials and ingredients?!" Ron asked in horror.

"Probably," Hermione said shrugging slightly.

Vincent noticed the players in the air looking at him, "Ok Nyx, open the banners!"

Nyx stopped handing out pizzas before grabbing on to a ribbon of sorts. She flew around, causing it to unfurl as the not-so decorative words unfurled.

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