chapter 33: correct your mistakes

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Victor's POV

I got down from the plane when it landed, it was exactly 5 pm, I decided I would go straight to Fred's house, I wanted him to know I had fought for us, I have come back for him. I got into a taxi and I headed straight to his house, it didn't matter to me what the cost if the whole transport would be, I just wanted to get to him.

I got to Fred's house by 6:30 on the dot, the taxi man had left already, but now I was having second thoughts should I just go back to my own house, what if he had moved on or what if he rejects me.

I decided to go knock on the door. I knocked about thrice but there was no answer, I turned around to the back, the lights were on, he might be sleeping, or maybe drunk like before, I moved to the front planning to kick down the door if possible, but as I got there it was already open and a woman stood  facing me
She looked really familiar, she's his ex wife, I could remember her from the cinema, I don't think she recognize me as she asked

"How may I help you?"

" I'm here to see fred" I said

" Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your honeymoon with your husband, what are you doing here now?", She asked a little bit of anger evident on her voice.

She did a good job holding it in, I would understand her being pissed at me, I've caused fred alot of pain these few months
" It didn't go on, the wedding, it was cancelled" I said calmly.

She let me inside the house and made me a warm cup of Chocolate drink, I sipped as she looked at me

"So you're saying you left your fiancée at the alter?" She asked again

"Yes I did that, and I got into the next Available flight to be here, I still can't see fred anywhere, do you live here now?, You two still live together?"  I asked, hoping the answer was no

"Why didn't you cancel the wedding before the ceremony, how is your ex" she asked looking unimpressed with the way I had treated Efe and handled the situation selfishly.

" I don't know but I explained to him, marrying him would hurt him further, I know I had done something very bad, and unfair, but I truly love fred, I don't know why I have been holding back since, I guess I was waiting, i was waiting for fred to fight for our love, he never did, not even once and when I came to him to give him the invitation to my wedding, I expected him to beg me not to marry Efe but he didn't say anything, I lost hope, fred was ashamed of me, countless times he would hide what I was to him, that was why he never came to fight for me, he always made me feel like I was doing everything in the relationship, like I was forcing all of this, if I was following my head I would straight up Marry Efe, he's a good guy and he loves me, but my heart is the one doing all this, the only regret I feel about coming back now is that I would have done it sooner, before much damage is done, I know Efe would never forgive me, but I want the best for him, I pray he finds someone who loves him for real, I know he will, but I also know that isn't going to justify my actions, all the things i had made happen, I truly regret it, so much, Efe deserves so much better" I said to Fred's ex wife, regretting all I've done so far.

Fred's ex looked sorry, she looked very sorry for me as she said " you don't have to blame yourself, yes what you did wasn't the right thing, but something we tend to make mistakes in relationships, mistakes that might be able to be corrected, and the ones that it might be too late to amend, mistakes that might scar you for life, mistake that'll make you doubt the kind of person you are, you might be feeling like a monster now, but you still have a bit of time, to correct your mistakes, fred is not in Lagos anymore, he relocated to abuja yesterday, he hasn't gotten a place but I know the address of where he is staying, I could give that to you, I just hope you make the right choices now" she said to me handing me a piece of paper where she had just scribbled down Fred's current address.

I thanked her, now I know why fred tool a certain likeness to her, she's a good person and I was thankful, I stood up about to go when I turned around to ask

"Em don't be offended, but what's your name?"

"Belinda" she said smiling.

I walked out the door, I would fix things this time, I won't wait for fred, I'll do it myself, sometimes in relationships we have to fight for the ones we love, even if that person isn't willing to fight back I'll fight for the both of us.

Omg!!! My story is truly coming to an end, I can't believe this I'm literally in tears, the next chapter would be the finale. I feel so torn, I'll miss my characters most especially Belinda I love her. I love y'all too for coming this far with me. 💓😭😭😭
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