chapter 3 : am i gay?

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Fred was finding it difficult to get his mind off Victor, he thought he was going crazy was he actually falling in love with his fellow guy?, This was something as a young boy he dreaded , he hated guys who were gay, homosexuals disgusted him.

Back in the days when he was still a teen-ager himself and his friends would mock and insult people who engaged in practising gay.

is this a curse or what? He questioned himself, he couldn't believe this, what would his mother and his cousins think of him, he was so successful but now this, why did he off all the things be gay, he liked victor more than the usual way two guys were to like each other and he knew it, he didn't regret liking him tho, he was a sweet guy, but he was in a country which didn't accept gay people, yeah they could fly out of the country, he kept on thinking, what if victor doesn't feel the same way,he needed God. He decided he would go the church, maybe he was cursed.

The next morning he Changed his mind instead of going to church he decided to confront victor.
He took his shower, he wanted to sort this whole mess out. How could he be in love with a guy? that's so not right, he thought.

He took a straight bike to victor's house, all through the journey he contemplated on going back, thinking about Victor's reaction but that made him eager to keep going so he could sort all that out.

He  got to victor's house and the door was open already. He got in the living room but he was not there so he entered the room.
Immediately he entered the room, Victor was coming out of the bathroom plain NAKED.

Victor never knew that anyone came in at all, so in his usual ways he came out of the bathroom putting on nothing, not even with a towel. His huge balls and large sized d**k dangled in front of Fred's face.

Immediately he saw Fred he walked up to him and said
"guy, so you enter, ahn I no know oo, Let me put something on".

Fred couldn't even speak he just froze at the sight of everything that just occurred in front of him, why was he this way?, a guy was naked in front of him, it's not supposed to be weird why was he feeling like this?, why couldn't he speak out even a word?.

Fred left the room but everything he saw was still clear, he thought to him self "I'm definitely gay" but I can't be, he was so disturbed.
Victor came out of the room all dressed up but all Fred could think of or even see was victor's huge balls and large d**k.

Victor came closer and asked "guy this one you came this early" but to Fred it was as if Victor's talks were making him horny for the first time ever, within him self he was like so this was how it felt to yearn for someone, he couldn't control it anymore so he moved closer and kissed Victor on the lips.

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