Chapter 1: My Life

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Hi, I'm (Y/N)

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Hi, I'm (Y/N).

Oh wait, you already know that, well of course you do. Anyways, I live in the blazing heat of Phoenix Arizona. Though I was born in a hospital up in Colorado. Don't have much memories form there but it must have been cold. Anyways my parents, Martha (L/N) and Robert (L/N) both raised me from a very young age, even though my dad was in the air force.

Speaking of my dad, he died when I was very young. Yup, killed in action. Got shot down my an enemy aircraft. My mom couldn't provide for me and raise me at the same time, so we moved here. Why you ask? My grandparents live here and were more than happy to babysit little ol' (Y/N) while my mom got us situated.

She got us a house, a car, and herself a job. Along with some furniture, a little renovation, blah blah blah. You get it.

Soon, around the age of 7, my grandpa died. Shitty, I know. And my grandma wasn't really to fit to babysit anymore, with how old she was getting.

So a couple years pass by. My moms working extra hard as a realtor, and I'm in high school.

Anyways, get hailed back in high school, and I meet two people.

Emit, and Bella. Two of my best friends.

To say the least I was a little bummed out about getting hailed back in high school. But Emit and Bella really helped me out, and great friendship between us was born.

And now here we are today, my mom has finally retired, much to her dismay. I had to do everything in my power to get that women to retire when I decided to live with Emit and Bella in our own apartment.

Yeah, the three of us agreed to live together in an apartment. Emit and Bella would work and I would... oh yeah that's right, I'm unemployed.

I still have to finish college, and I will. Especially because Emit, Bella, and my mom finally got enough money for my college savings.

I'll be on my way next year, and as for what I wanna do? Well believe it or not, Air Force.

Now the thought terrified my mom, especially after what happened with my dad.

But me, Emit, and Bella were able to convince her to let me do it. Is she still worried? Yes. Has she stopped begging me to not do it though? Yes.

So cut to today, I'm walking down the sidewalk to our apartment, which we were currently moving all of our stuff into.

I didn't own a car so I had to walk there. I did own a bike, but it was with all of the other stuff we were moving in.

It's not a bad household either. Or should it be apartmenthold? Eh whatever.

Anyways, I was pretty much there when I saw a big moving truck outside.

Emit looked around the truck to me.

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