Dixie lifted her chin, determination written on her face. "Leroy's right. Cowboy, I'll be fine. You just gotta trust me."

Jason knew that look on Dixie's face meant there was no changing her mind. But he had to try, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if she got hurt. "It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't want you to get hurt."

"If I do, it'll be okay." Dixie gave a confident smile. "Do you remember when you broke Stoney? I had to let you go even though I knew you would get hurt. I have a better chance of not gettin' injured than you did."

Leroy wore a sly grin on his face. He knew Dixie had achieved her goal. "Jason, she's got a point there."

Jason sighed in defeat. He aimed a grin at Dixie. "You drive a hard bargain, Angel. Alright, you can help. Just stay close to me, okay?"

Dixie smiled, her face reflecting the victory she felt. "But of course. Let's go!"

Jason urged Raven to a canter, heading around the pasture to where the boys were searching. He turned to look back at Dixie only to find her passing him up with a smile so sweet he nearly melted. Reining in his thoughts, he saw Hyde bringing back another horse. He gave his foreman a thumbs up as he passed.

Up ahead James, John, and the twins were trying to catch another horse, and Jason laughed watching them. His attention was snagged by Dixie's hand as she lifted it in a signal. He spotted the roan a second later.

Dixie slowed Sundancer, allowing Jason and Raven to catch up. When Jason pulled up beside her, she grinned. "Think we can get it?"

"Yeehaw!" Jason took off his Stetson and waved it into the air, pulling Raven up in a rear before barreling ahead to capture the horse.

Dixie cut Sundancer to the side, hoping to pin the roan between her and Jason. Her idea failed when she accidentally reached the roan first, and it took off galloping.

From out of nowhere, Jason zoomed past Dixie and tried to intercept the roan. Just when he thought he'd catch up to the runaway, Raven slowed and they lost ground.

Dixie took Raven's back-down as her cue. She asked Sundancer for more speed and easily passed Raven, galloping ahead to catch up with the roan. When she came alongside the horse, she realized she had no rope to capture it. She set her jaw.

There was only one other way to nab the escapee.

Jason's lips straightened into a grim line as he recognized what Dixie was about to do. As much as he wanted to stop her, Raven could go no faster and was quickly tiring. Lord, keep Dixie safe. Protect her.

Time seemed to slow as Dixie let go of Sundancer's reins and grabbed the saddle horn. Quickly and carefully, she slipped her other leg around to the other side. Breathing a prayer, she jumped, grabbing ahold of the roan's mane. She pulled herself up and straddled the horse with a cry of relief. "I made it!"

Jason was so grateful he threw his Stetson on the ground. He was so proud of Dixie he had no idea how to express it. When she rode up to him on the roan with Sundancer following, he laughed so hard he nearly fell from his saddle. "Oh my goodness, baby! That was amazin'!"

Dixie beamed at him, stroking the roan's neck as Jason retrieved his hat. "Just doin' my job."

"Your job?" Jason chuckled. "It's my job. But just to see you do that. . . . You trusted Sundancer completely."

Dixie giggled as Sundancer snorted and tossed his mane behind them. Her eyes were vivid with excitement. "I can't believe I did it!"

"But you did!" Jason insisted, his face glowing with happiness. "I'm so proud of you. Now let's go put that lil' rascal up!"

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