"Idiot, you know full well lemons will give you a stomach ache." He had sighed, handing me a hot water bottle. 

I had purred loudly as he had sat down on the bed next to me, curling my tail around his arm so he wouldn't be able to leave again if he had decided otherwise. He had sighed heavily, snapping his fingers to make a glass of the smelly, gold liquid that I hated so much appear in his hand. He had nipped on it before he had sat it down on the nightstand beside the bed, running his hands through my hair while I had chuffed satisfied. If I could have made him stay with me, I'd would have been happy.

He had managed to get more and more drunk over the course of the night since that was what he usually did and I had watched him, happy that he hadn't dragged me out of the house to the loud noises. I also hadn't known how to approached the topic and just decided on trying what I had learned from watching him and other  woman and rely mostly on what Nyx had taught me during my stay wtih her.

I had inched closer to him, waiting for him to tell me to go away but he had just kept ruffling my hair while he had seemed to let his thoughts wander. I had waited a little longer to avoid pissing him off before I had crawled up his side, pushing my head underneath arm and into his armpit so he was forced to awkwardly hug me to his side. He had sat down the glass next to the now mostly empty bottle and I snuck the tip of my tail up his leg, rubbing it against the inside of his thigh.

"What are you doing?" He had asked, confused. 

I had made myself as small as I could while purring up at him. I hadn't wanted to upset him and had rubbed my face against his chest while he had awkwardly stared at me as if he couldn't understand what I was up to. It had taken me a few more minutes and getting a little more direct to convey to him what I had wanted and in retrospect I was sure he would have bashed my head in if he hadn't been as drunk as he had been back then. In the end he had pushed me off him and told me to leave him alone.

The rest of the night he had ignored me and I had curled up next to him, whining until he had gotten mad at me for keeping him awake. He had grabbed me by the back of my neck and teleported over to his mother's house as the sun breached the horizon, banging on the front door. After a few minutes Nyx had shown up, dressed in a simple, olive green greek gown and pissed that she had to get up this early but she had invited us in regardless. 

"What is it?" She had asked, mustering me. "Is something wrong with him? Is he sick?"

I had tried to show off my best behavior and how I followed the daily routine she had taught me but soon enough a crow had landed on one of the window sills, catching my interest in no time. The window had been open and it had hopped inside, parading around while it cawed at me as if I was the intruder. I had growled at it with perked wings and tail whipping around behind me, getting on all four to be able to hunt it down and make it my breakfast. 

"He keeps doing weird stuff." Moros had grunted. 

"Weird?" She had inquired, raising an eyebrow. "What's he doing?"

"I don't know, whining until I spent time with him?" He had complained.

"That's normal." She had explained, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "He is bred to want your attention and he is going to try everything he can come up with to get it. It is going to get a little better once he is a few months older, though. Just be patient."

I hadn't known what that meant but I had been fine with it since she hadn't sounded like she had been angry with me. Instead it had sounded more like she was amused by my antics and how I was keeping him busy. The crow soon had gotten my attention back since it had attacked my tail and tried to loosen a black scale, making me shriek. I had bared my fangs at it and had started running after it again, trying to get a hold of it to make it pay for attacking me.

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