Chapter 4: It's Everything About You

Start from the beginning

I need to start conversation, instead of just awkwardly standing here...

"Hey"i finally said with a smile.

  "Hi" she smiled back.  

"I Like your hoodie", i said, in the most lame way possible.

"Umm thanks, i dont really like it though, its real old." 

  "well i think it looks amazing on you"   I saw her blush a little, and she tried to cover it by saying, "thanks". it was the cutest thing ever  

i laughed to myself and said "No prob, love."

I jumped and landed on my bed with a huge plop.

  "So how old are you Taseena?", i asked, trying to sound calm and casual.  

She looked down at the floor. 
I looked at her and she looked as if she was stressed. I saw hesitation   and.....fear... in her eyes.
But why?

  "Niall, I have to tell you something."  she said, clawwing me away from my thoughts.  

Shit. I know exactly what she's gonna say.
She's gonna tell me im not worth it and that im the ugliest and i dont deserve to be in One Direction. I've heard it all.  I hate to admit it cuz i barely even know her... but i actually kind of fancied her, a bit. I think i should just quit One Direction and just go on with my life.
Im tired of all this bullshit tearing me down like a fragile piece of paper. 

  "Niall, i... I'm..I"

  "Just say it." i said harshly. I didnt mean for it to come out like that.  

"Oh. um. okay then. It's kind of a long story so just bare with me", she paused, kind of dissapointed. 
"So. My parents are crazy as shit, and they tell people im only 14", she paused again.

Fourteen? I feel like a pedofile. Shit. 

"Because they want to 'act' and make people think that they are younger than they actually are. I'm actually 17. And people flip when i tell them that. My parents are so fucked up", she finished, with the most adorable laugh i have ever heard. 

Thank GOD, she's not 14. I was scared for my life. She's 17. I can actually give this a shot.  WAIT. I forgot, she dosnt like me like that, theres no way she does. I forced a laugh, to laugh along with her, when in reality, i was relieved.

  "Oh, wow. I was not expecting you to say that, " i said with a nervous laugh.  And trust me. i was not expecting that.  

"i get that response alot!", she replied, with innocence. She's so innocent and timid. She's so perfect. 
"Well, even though I'm starving to death, I'm going to get freshened up and meet you guys downstairs to eat!", she said while grabbing underwear, clothes, shampoo, and face wash.    "Alright, babe!" , i replied. 

She laughed, the most cutest laugh, walked into the bathroom, and said

"see you in 5 to 10 minutes", before closing the door with a flirtacious grin.

Was she flirting?  I just sat on my bed, and decided to reach for my guitar from my right and just start playing. She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5.
That song is amazing.  
A couple seconds later, i heard Taseena singing in the shower. At first, i thought it was cute and just snickered to myself. 
But then, i realized, i was listening to the most beautiful singing i have EVER heard. She can sing?  Her voice, It was so... soothing, and raspy, and sexy. Just like how she talks. i loved it.  I recognized the song. One and Only by Adele. 

She Sang it so sharply, and hit every note in the most flawless way. 
She was brilliant. 

I was definitely astonished and pleased. 

I heard the shower turn off and i realized i was eavesdropping in her singing. shit. 
I slammed my guitar on the stand, and bolted down the stairs faster in less than a millisecond into the kitchen, startling the boys, who were preparing the dinner table.

"BLOODDY HELLL NIALL!! YOU ALMOST KNOCKED DOWN THESE PLATES! CALM DOWN, MATE!", Liam bellowed, as he was carrying the plates.

That was a close one. 

That would've been way too awkward if Taseena walked out, and found that i was listening to her. 

Her AMAZING voice. Never heard anything like that, that was...absoultley beautiful.
She is so flawless. Everything bout her is just perfect. Her voice, her personality, her looks, her innocence, the way she finds a way to flirt in a way where it confuses people to think if she was or wasnt flirting, EVERYTHING.
I really do not want to admit it, cuz i JUST met the girl, but theres something different and genuine about her and this is bad. this is very, very bad. 

i think i've fallen in a crunch.

I think I'm Falling for her. 

Hatred V.S. Acceptance (A Niall Horan Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now