Chapter Eleven: Taste of Freedom

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Once Miska got a taste of freedom, it was the only thing she was interested in. The others were constantly being begged to let her tag along where ever they went. 
"Not this time, Miska, that cougar is still lurking around," Cypress dismissed her as he was leaving to scout.
"You're still too little to cross that part creek, Little Bear. It's too deep, you'd be washed downstream." Raven chuckled as she patted the pup with a gentle paw.
In an attempt to distract her, while Raven and Cypress were away, Fawna had gathered a pile of miscellaneous items she'd gotten Cypress and Raven to find.
"Miska, stop pacing; come play with this snake rattle. Do you know how hard this was to get?" Her mother scolded. 
"When do I get to hunt an elk? Or go scouting by myself? Why does Raven get to go and I don't?" Miska grumbled and stalked over to swat the snake rattle into the messy pile along with the other rejected things.
Fawna sighed, tired of answering the same questions every day, "Just follow your training and you'll eventually get to go too. Your father will take you out again this evening."
She turned to look out into the meadow, "Look there's Raven. Go help her carry that elk leg."
Miska turned and scampered off excitedly to meet up with her sister. Not only was this a chance to stretch her legs, but she was always excited to get food in her stomach.
Raven smiled as Miska plummeted down the hill. "Miska! Come grab this side!" Raven barked and shuffled to the side so Miska could fit beside her.
Miska was around four months old now; just barely making it up to Raven's shoulder. The taller sister had to arch her neck so they were head level. Still, they walked perfectly side-by-side up the hill, their paw-steps matching each other rhythmically. 
They shuffled up to the den dropping the leg in front of Fawna.
"I'm not hungry, you two can split it." Fawna nudged the leg back towards them.
Raven nodded thankfully but Miska was already scarfing down the food.
"Hey!" Raven shoved her muzzle past Miska and snatched up her share before it could be stolen.

After they ate they laid near the edge of the hill, where the summer wind blew into their fur.
Raven ran her tongue up Miska's neck and scoffed, "You sure are a messy eater."
Miska growled playfully and turned to nip Raven's paw before turning back to gnaw on the thigh bone.
"Don't get too comfortable, Miska." Fawna instructed, "Your father will be back soon."
"Right." Miska flattened her ears slightly embarrassed, "I forgot."
"You're going out again?" Raven nudged Miska, "How'd you do on your last lesson?"
"Dad made me catch crickets. Crickets!"
Raven laughed, "I remember doing that. Trust me, he isn't doing it to make you look like a toad. Being quick and agile is important as a hunter.  I'm sure you'll go after something more interesting soon."
Miska had stopped listening as she finally cracked the bone in half she let out a triumph "Aha!"
Her tail started to sway happily as she licked at the marrow.
Raven and Fawna shared a look of defeat and they left her alone to enjoy her treat.
"Better save that for later, there's Dad." Raven took the bone halves from Miska as she stood to go greet him.

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