Chapter Three: Possible Pups?

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A month had passed since Raven overheard Fawna and Cypress discussing the possibility of pups, they were now even more withdrawn and secretive. Often she found herself on lone hunting trips, but now she preferred smaller and easier game. She only shared her kills after she'd eaten her fill; Cypress hadn't said a word about this either, though she knew it was against the rules.
Raven was padding back to the den with a muskrat. She'd run into a burrow and killed two of them. She had gotten a bit excited, just one would have been enough. But they were running around everywhere, and this one had practically run into her teeth.
"Here." she tossed the muskrat nonchalantly at Fawna.
Fawna wheeled away from the furry projectile, "H- hey! Watch it!" she exclaimed with her fur standing on end.
Then she remembered her manners and lowered her voice down to her normal light tone. "Oh..." she turned and licked her fur down along her spine before speaking again, "You startled me, Raven. Thank you for," she poked the dead rodent, "muskrat."

Raven had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes, she knew Fawna would be ungrateful. Fawna was spoiled by Cypress and was not used to eating anything other than young Ungulates or the occasional hare.
"Where is my father?" she questioned, trying to keep the annoyment out of her voice.

"Cypress?" she lifted her head from the muskrat she'd started to reluctantly eat, "Oh, yes. He went to patrol he will be gone for a few hours. Just us girls then huh?"
Raven perched uncomfortably next to Fawna, "Can I ask you something?"
Fawna looked up and pushed her muskrat away. "Um...yes, of course. Ask away."
Raven glanced at the empty den, which had recently been cleared of cobwebs and decayed leaves. She opened her mouth, unsure of how to word it. "Is...are." she sighed, "Are you and Cypress planning on using the den. I just noticed it has been clearing out...I was just wondering if there will be any pups this year."
Upon seeing the look on Fawna's face she regretted asking. "S- sorry I shouldn't have's not my place to know."
Fawna's look of shock faded into one of understanding, "It's ok, Raven. I don't mind you asking, you surprised me that's all. Yes. It's my first litter and I'm nervous."

Raven felt a twinge of guilt, "Fawna, you'll be a fine mother, but if you need it, you will have my help."
Fawna smiled, "Thank you...for everything. I know I don't say it but you've done so much."
Raven shifted her paws nervously. "Just finish up your muskrat, I think I'll go join Father on patrol."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~note: this should have been split into two chapters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fawna had gone to retire for the night and Cypress sat licking up the scraps Fawna had left him.
"So..." he said licking his lips clean, "What do you think about it? Fawna and I having our own litter."
Raven looked up from the cool spot she was laying in.
"I don't think I have much say, but when happens I will stay here and help care for the pups. It is the least I can do. I know I've been acting a bit independent recently, but I don't think I'm ready to be on my own yet."

Cypress knocked aside the pile of bones, they clunked against the roots of the tree he was pressed against. 
"Raven." his ears twitched away a fly, "You don't have to repay me for being your father. It is my job to look after you. I
want to look after you, it is not a burden to be repaid."
Raven slunk into the dirt, "I still mean it. I will help, I want to be prepared when I leave, and raised pups are one of those I need to be ready for...I don't mean to be rude when I say this but, Fawna just seems so..."
"Ignorant?" Cypress offered.
Raven nodded.
Cypress padded towards Raven quietly as not to wake Fawna. "I am proud of you Raven. I know you don't see Fawna as your own mother and I don't expect you to. She is almost as young as you are, I know. I am glad you are so patient with her. This is how life is...sometimes you have to settle." Cypress touched his nose into her cheek, "Sleep well."
Raven watched as he went to lay near Fawna then she turned and looked up at the star-speckled sky.
Cypress hardly over spoke of her mother. Especially now with Fawna around, even mentioning her seemed to throw him into a rage.
The only thing that she had to make her feel at peace, was that all the dead wolves went to Lupus Magnus, the Great Wolf.
She stared at the big yellow orb in the sky.

Cypress told her it was one of Lupus' eyes, the other one was to watch over them during the day. And the stars were all of the Great Wolf's children, including her mother.
Raven wasn't sure how much she believed it, but she wanted to think her mother was still watching her.
It was harder for her to believe Lupus only slept one night a month when his eye fell dark. 
She yawned, exhaustion finally taking over, she laid her head across her paws and fell asleep.
Raven jolted awake. 
Cypress was yelling for her from down in the meadow, she scurried over to the slope to look down.
"Raven!" Cypress yelled, "Come quick, Fawna got kicked by an elk, it's not looking good."
Raven hurried down the hill, she'd never heard her father sound so worried, she feared the worst had happened to Fawna.
Raven skidded to a stop nearly running into Cypress, "Where is she, what happened?"
"No time, follow me." 
Cypress ran off towards the meadow and Raven followed.
He lead her to a tree where Fawna had been dragged up against the roots.
There was some blood coming from near her back legs.
Cypress ran up to Fawna and touched noses with her.
"What happened?" Raven asked again, looking down at Fawna who was crying and not able to sit up.
Cypress laid down with Fawna and comforted her.
"She got kicked in the side, I don't know if the puppies are okay."
Fawna started to cry harder, "I'm sorry Cypress. I didn't mean to."
"It's okay," Cypress shushed her, "I'm just glad you're okay."
"We need a to get her home," Raven said and calmly walked over to Fawna.
"Okay." Cypress nodded and together they got Fawna onto her paws.

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