Chapter Twenty: The Marauders

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Raven's paws kicked up powdery snow as she streaked towards the creek. 
She bounded over the icy water. She didn't wait for Awan to catch up; she tore into the territory, barking furiously when she smelled lingering scents of strangers.
She rushed through a pile of snow that was nearly up to her chest as she clambered up the steep slope that the den sat on.
"Miska!" Raven barked, the hair along her spine raised and she sniffed the air. She growled in frustration and sniffed the ground, looking for any tracks. 
Fur laid in clumps on top of the snow, some areas speckled red with blood.
Raven whimpered and stuck her head in the den. "Miska?" she called into the empty darkness.
"Dad?" She back away from the den and pinned back her ears.
"Awan!" She yelped as she remembered she hadn't come alone. 
"I'm right here." He muttered quietly, his muzzle was dusted in snow. "I know these scents."
Raven hurried over to Awan to sniff the trail. "Who are they?" She growled. "If they hurt Miska, I'll kill them!"
Awan flattened back his ears and shook his head sadly. "Marauders. I didn't think they'd come here..."
Raven looked at Awan in confusion. "How do you know them? Do you know where they are?"
Awan shook his head again, "I'll tell you later. Come on let's go back to my territory, it isn't safe here. Cypress-"
Raven bared her teeth and kicked at the snow angrily. "Go back? We need to find them. We need to find Miska and Cypress and Fawna! Don't be a coward! They could be hurt!"
"Raven, listen to me. If they are hurt they'd-"
"I'm not listening to you! You can go if you want! Be a coward. I need to find my family."
Awan flicked an ear back and stiffened. "You hear that?"
Raven stopped and listened. She nodded as she heard many paws thumping in the snow.
Awan took a step down the hill, "We have to go, Raven."
Raven ignored him and turned towards the on-coming intruders. She was ready to defend her home.
"Raven!" Awan hissed as he back further down the hill. "Come on!"
Raven didn't even flick an ear in acknowledgment.
As two-three- now four wolves burst into view, running up-stream along the creek.
Raven shifted her paws in unease. She turned to see what Awan was doing but he was gone.
Raven's tail dropped between her legs and she turned and ran before the wolves could see her.
Yet, it was too late, they were hot on her trail.  

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