❝ you got a fetish for my love, I push you out and you come right back

don't see a point in blaming you, if I were you I'd do me to ❞

jk's pov

The night was short. I haven't been able to sleep a lot last night, too deep in my thoughts, my brain running a marathon remembering those words coming out from a plump pinky mouth that I had to say kept lingering inside my mind.

"This vacation was supposed to be fun but even the only moment where I'm enjoying myself, you ruin it, making your way in my mind."

Right. This sentence may or may not have gotten me up all night. What did it mean? Was it because we were constantly fighting? Or could it be...

I don't care, I needed to find out. It wouldn't help to make assumptions when in reality, I simply had to get my sh/t together and made her like me. It was definitely time to bury those silly arguments a thousand feet under the ground and have a fresh start.

I woke up exhausted but a contrario full of energy. I was determined today.

"Jk, you're still in there? What's taking you so long, man?"

The water kept running and I wasn't really doing anything except for drawing an action plan in my mind. How was I going to make her like me and forget my jerk attitude? Because what if she indeed liked me?

"Getting out in a second, hyung." I couldn't prevent myself from smiling, it was difficult not to. 'Making your way in my mind.'

Oh doll, I'm gonna do worse than that.

I got off the shower real quick and put my towel around my lower body, not bothering drying my torso and arms. Cursing myself for forgetting my clothes on my bed, I was careful not to cross anyone's path in the hallway, not without letting my wet footprints on the floor like a guilty criminal giving out clues of his passage.

If I wondered where Yoongi hyung left after calling me out, I found him sitting on my bed, legs crossed dramatically, unbothered by my half nakedness.

"I think you forgot how towels work, Jk."

I rolled my eyes, "It was this or you'd wait another ten minutes for me to leave you free access to your morning shower."

He ignored the comeback and instead frowned, arms crossed on his chest, "Don't you think you should cut the crap now Jungkook?"

It wasn't a good sign when Yoongi hyung called me Jungkook. Also, I wasn't sure at what he was referring to but indeed, I needed to stop whatever I was doing with Lisa. Jealousy would bring me nowhere especially when we weren't even friends to begin with, she probably thought I was a freak.

"What do you mean?"

"We told you to be careful with Lisa, Kook." He started but then sighed, visibly trying to relax, I know he hated raising his voice, especially at me. I threw him a guilty look, "You can't expect me to turn a blind eye on this."

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