Take care

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Gaia was returning back to the palace of Camelot, full with goodies. (Presents of the people she helped like fruits, vegetables and fish).
The young woman got down of her horse and Fou was on her head.
"I need to give that to the kitchen but first to the stable."
She walked her horse to the stables and she saw something that her eyes couldn't believe.
"Y-your majesty a-and La-la-lancelot!"
It slipped from her mouth when she saw queen Guinevere and the knight in a very inappropriate pose.
They turned to the doctor and tried to hide some part of their bodies with their clothes.
"It's not what you think." Lancelot tried to say.
"G-gaia, please don't tell anyone." The queen looked at her with painful eyes. Guinevere believed that at least Gaia could understand her. That she needed a love of a man. Because Gaia knew the secret of king Arthur.
Gaia could see the begging eyes of the queen. She didn't approve that but... She signed and told them.
"I won't say a word but please think better of what you are doing."
She let her horse and left.
Gaia was upset.
She believed that was wrong, very wrong. She was walking inside the yard and her eyes caught some knight beyond them was him. Her knight, the gentleman of her heart, Gawain.
Then she thought like she needed his love, the queen needed the love of Lancelot... The love of a real man.
Because only few knew that king Arthur was actually a woman.
Gaia decided to swallow down this secret too and she won't say a word to anyone.


??? P.O.V.
I saw a room, like a ball room. Inside of the palace. It looked like a ceremony. I saw a lot of people, the Knights of the round and Merlin was there too.
Is this the Camelot? I asked myself.
I noticed better.
I think this is a wedding and...... Eeeehhhh???
The groom was one of the Knights of the round. He was dressed with royal (those days clothing) clothes and next to him was a woman.
An older woman, very older woman than him.
She was dressed with a royal white gown.... That squeezed her a lot in try to make her look slimmer...
If you are asking me this woman didn't had any charms she looked angry and furious as another woman had attract all the attention.
A beautiful young woman. She was dressed with a simple orange dress. She was tall and had nice curves, fair skin, black long curls and big violet eyes.
This woman had raised her voice and was serious.
"This is the people of Camelot! If you really want to become a lady of the yard, you better start act with respect to every single one of them, no matter their status. If you decide to change your attitude."
It was like a stabbing in her heart when she continued and said that.
"I will be the first one to stand by you."
Everybody in the room was looking at the black hair woman. Her gaze went for some second to Gawain, who had stayed quiet and waiting to hear the rest.
The woman continued and stare at the old bride. "You are very lucky to marry this man. Not only he is an ideal knight but also sir Gawain is one of the greatest men you will ever meet. He kind, talented and understanding. Make sure you will adore and take care of him every day of your life because you will never find anyone like him. This is my advice to you Ragnele."
The woman turned her back, try to keep tears and act cool.
"If you excuse I have work to do." Then she left. One minute of silence and then the people started talking and whispering about the scene.
Sir Gawain looked very thoughtful, proud and hurt at the same time...
The ceremony continued till the end and after at the 'celebration' Sir Gawain found a moment to leave and walked in the empty halls of the castle, walked down stairs one floor, continue walking and heard soft cries. He met the wooden door he was looking for, it wasn't fully closed.
The blonde man looked inside the room, it was the woman from before.
She was sitting on a chair and supporting her elbows on a table and crying into her hands.
Gawain was looking at her with hurt eyes, it was painful for him to see her crying.
He motivated himself to step inside but then stood and stopped.
I noticed tears of the corners of his blue eyes. He took a small breathe and whispered softly.
"Take care. My sunshine."
And he walked away.

I woke up from this dream... Wait, this was not a dream but.... My servants memory.
"Mash, I had a weird flashback." I told to the purple hair girl.
"What do you mean senpai?"
"It must be from Gawain's past but..."
"Who was that woman?"
"What woman?"
"Let's go find him and ask."
We walked around Chaldea when we finally found the knight we were looking for. He didn't look like his usual self.
"Good morning, Gawain."
"Good morning, Master." He replied like he did not have a mood of talking.
"I saw something..."
He cut me off.
"I know... I saw it too." He was ready to walk away.
"Then tell me who was that woman."
"I have training to do." He tried to avoid me.
"The one with the violet eyes and the black curls. You know the one who you called sunshine."
Gawain really wanted just to run away. "I think that Archer is calling me. See you later master."
I tried to stopped him but he disappeared.
"It looks like he doesn't want to share it but I wanna know!"
"Only one can be." I turned and saw Lancelot, Bedivere and Merlin.
My eyes sparkled and told them exactly what I saw.
"So? Will you tell me now?"
Sir Bedivere said. "Master, I think we have to respect his wish and don't tell you."
Lancelot agreed too but Merlin was different.
"Of course we gonna tell him. My poor girl didn't stop crying this night."
"Eh??? Your poor girl? What do you mean Merlin?" I asked the Mage of flowers.
"This woman master is my daughter. My little flower, Gaia. Sir Gawain and Gaia were in love."
"Eee? Your daughter??? In love??? Then why Sir Gawain married this old woman not her?"
"This is a long story master."
"I wanna know. What happened?"

Note: I had the need to put a little Chaldea and Ritsuka in the story. I hope you don't mind. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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