Chapter 6 : Damien

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Damien went to the woods exclusively to find a peaceful place away from the Palace, but when he spotted Amber there, his mind went blank, and instead of apologizing he made things worse.

Making sure she couldn't see him, he followed her.

The bakery's midnight blue door stood out between the other building's limestone color, and its name curled in gold lettering on the window display. Even from the outside, he could smell the sugar and the bread, reminding him of all the times he spent inside with Tom and Amber as a kid.

The customer thanked the girl behind the counter as he left, "how can I help you," the girl asked.

"Hello, I'm Damien; I came to taste the spring gala pastries."

"You're Prince Damien? I'll get Amber for you."

She disappeared into the back door for a few minutes and came back with Amber, who carried a box to the counter in front of him and proceeded to take out small samples for him to taste.

 "Amber, I just– I just wanted to say that I was young and I didn't know how to handle the situation." 

"What situation, Damien? Forget about it already because I don't want to know; you're here to taste the pastries for the gala and that's it."

He tasted each of the pastries in silence, every time tasting something better than the last. The presentation was impeccable and creative, tying the whole spring theme with the pastel colors.

"Making something delicious is definitely your thing," he said.

"And walking away is your thing."

"I thought you didn't want to talk about it."

She glared heavily at him and said, "Would you mind attending our client, Avery?"

"Looks like someone can't seem to handle the pressure," he remarked.

"Oh, I can. But seems to me like you can't be professional."

"I am professional."

"Good," she yelled.

"Great," he yelled back, "Now I must go, but you have my approval for the pastries."

"Thanks," she stormed out the back door.

"Pleased to meet you, Avery, goodbye." he smiled at her.

"Goodbye," she said as he walked out.

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