Chapter 2 : Avery

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Astonishment was what Avery felt when she walked through the grand entrance at the palace. She had moved to Amerenia two years ago, but to her, it felt longer than that, she loved the place and the people she met.

Her grandmother taught her everything she knew about baking; she used to tell her that almost anything could be cured with a nice piece of cake.

If only every problem could be solved with cake, she thought at the time.

"What is she doing here?" was the first thing the dark-haired guy said, breaking the silence in the room.

His heavy green eyes and pale skin gave an uneasy yet captivating presence; he didn't look much older than her.

"She shouldn't be here–" he continued after no one had answered. 

The guy, whoever he was, definitely hasn't been taught any manners,  she thought.

"Pardon me, I don't know who you are, but you have no right to talk to her like that." Avery scolded him.

"You don't understand, Avery," Amber tried to reason, "he's–"

"No! I don't care who he is, he owes us as much respect as we do to him, so he needs to stop being so disrespectful and inconsiderate."

"You don't understand, Avery," Amber tried to reason, "he's–"

"If I were you, I would–" he started

"You would what?" she took a step forward, "what are you going to do? Throw us out?" 

"Okay!" Lillian cut her off, "I think that's enough, perhaps you should come back tomorrow,"

She got infuriated at how disrespectful he was being towards Amber but she didn't know who he was, and by the look on Lillian's face, it would be better to leave before she got herself or anyone else in trouble.

"Fine," she said, straightening her clothes. 

The journey back to the bakery was silent, but before they went inside Avery turned to Amber, "Are you okay? You haven't said a word since we left."

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm just tired," Amber said.

Avery nodded, not pushing the subject any further knowing Amber had to process the news before she could talk about it.

"By the look on your faces, I'm guessing the meeting didn't go so well?" Tom, Amber's dad, said as they walked in.

Avery just shook her head and Amber said she didn't want to talk about it, but with a worried look on his face, he asked her if she was okay.

"Yes! I'm fine... Wait a minute, you knew, didn't you? And you didn't think I deserved to know?" she hurried back out the door.

"Amber, wait!" Avery tried to follow her but she wouldn't stop.  

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