"we better get inside, we dont want to be standing here when captain walks over" hunk smiled and they walked inside. "did you really just flip in the hall to stop yourself from falling over" Pidge asked with a grin. "well I wasn't gonna fall straight on my face in front of everyone in class so I just made it into a flip" Lance grinned proudly. "your one of a kind that for sure" Keith shrug and Lance still stood proudly. "how nice it must be to be a simple idiot with no worries" shiro smiled and crossed his arms. 

"listen up weaklings, today you be doing hand in hand combat" captain yelled and everyone got in rows before saluting. "since you never know what time of enemy your be fighting, I placed everyone name in a hat and will pick two names out, their will be two matches at a time so warm up" the captain yelled making everyone groan. 

"I dont know what I been told" shiro started singing with group of friends as they ran around the room. "but this song is getting old" Pidge sang back. "sound of" Lance sang. "one two" Keith sang. "three four" hunk sang with a grin and they all laughed as they ran round. "that is not how your meant to sing that" shiro laughed and everyone just shrug. After their five laps everyone group round the captain waiting the four people to be picked for the first match's. 

"please non of my friends, please no of my friends" hunk begged to god and pidge, keith and shiro just turned to him. "please not hunk please not hunk, I dont want to get puke on" Lance begged making the three turn to him with worry. "he wouldn't really puke during a fight ... right" shiro asked and turned to pidge and keith who both started praying to god not to fight with puking hunk. "please let a zombie illness out making training stop before I'm picked" Pidge begged after begging for hunk. "please give me someone annoying I can hit" Keith begged and shiro became worried for how everyone prayed. "right the first match will be keith and James" the captain yelled and keith made a fist in the air before whispering yes. "someone I dont like" keith smirked and happily walked to the front. "is that fight gonna be ok since they dont get along and now have a reason to hit each other" Hunk said with worry and Pidge just shrug along with lance. "the second match will be Pidge" the captain started to say. "please not a prick please not a prick" Pidge begged and hoped. "lotor" the captain finished. "shit" Pidge yelled making everyone turn to her or "him" in their eyes with shock. "come on that not fair, he kill her" Lance said with worry since everyone knew Lotor would take this advance to do whatever he wanted with pidge. "stop your complain, a fight is a fight, as long as he says give when its to much everything be fine" the captain said and Pidge made her way to the front standing next to Keith who glared at Lotor. "this is going to be fun" lotor smirked at Pidge. 

"hey emo" Pidge whispered. "yes nerd" keith asked with worry. "burry me with my laptop and dont let lance touch anything of mine" Pidge asked making Keith laugh a little. "nah we both gonna win out match's" Keith said with a grin and Pidge just sighed before the two walked over to different match sets. 

Just like Lance guessed Lotor didnt go easy on pidge, most had to look away after seeing the beaten Pidge was given. But pidge still stood up every time he knock her down, she wasn't going to give up. She used her height to trip him and to dough some attacks and even jumped on his back wrapping her legs around lotor at some point. But lotor wasn't gonna go down easy he fell backwards making Pidge hit the ground hard and he soon pinned her down with her hands over her heads and his knee pushing down hard on her chest making her struggling to breath a little. Pidge knew she wouldn't last much longer as he started to hit her in the side as hard as he good and when she finally couldn't find a way out she went to say give but lotor covered her mouth. His back blocked the captain view of him covering Pidge mouth and kept hitting her. Pidge tried to kick him of but no luck he was too strong and the room started to go dark. Before she knew it she was passed out and she heard a couple yells but had no clue who was yelling or what they were saying.


Pidge walked up with pain all over her body and she noticed she was in the nurse room. She sat up with a small grunt and keith turned to her with worry. "hey dont move, you took a beating" Keith said with worry, he was sat in the guest chair next to her. "yeah I can feel it" Pidge joked with a small pained smile. "the captain dismissed you for the rest of the day since you blacked out" Keith said with a small frown. "yeah I dont think I could keep doing hand to hand combat anymore today" Pidge groaned and hang her legs over the bed. "lotor being yelled at for taking it to far if that helps" Keith smiled and pidge turned to him. "really" Pidge said shocked. "yep since he was keeping hitting you after you blacked out and he covered your mouth so he in big trouble, he might only have a bruise face" Keith said proudly. 

"you didnt" Pidge smiled. "well before the captain could yell at him to get of you, I might have started punching the shit out of him" Keith said with a smirk and Pidge giggled. "thanks but wont you get in trouble" Pidge asked with worry. "nah the captain let it slid this time" Keith smiled and patted Pidge head. "I'm glad, do you need to go back to training or" Pidge stopped herself and wasn't sure what she wanted to say but she didnt want keith to leave yet. "nah I been dismissed to look after you" Keith laughed and Pidge brighten up.

Then something hit pidge, who put the bandage on her. She was listed as a boy but whoever patched her up would have seen she was a girl. They would notice how she wrapped her boobs up with a bandage to hide them and they notice another thing that she want to think about. "um keith" Pidge said with fear, she had no clue if others already found out or if the person told others. What would everything think if they found out she was a girl, what about her friends she only just found somewhere she felt like she belong. Would she be sent home, she was scared to ask but she had to. "you ok" keith asked with worry. "who patched me up" Pidge asked not daring to look up from her lap.

"I did" Keith said in a gentle voice and grabbed Pidge hand who jump a little. "I'm sorry" Pidge started to cry and Keith quickly hugged her. "I didnt tell anyone and I wont unless you say so" Keith said with care and let Pidge cry it all out. "thank you" Pidge cried into his chest, she felt safe in his arms. "I carried you here and since the nurse was here I started to strip you to bandage you, I'm sorry for touching you without consent" Keith said a little embarrassed. "its fine, you thought I was a guy and you did patch me up so thanks" Pidge smiled and stopped crying. 

"so how come your acting as a boy, why not tell everyone your a girl" Keith asked with a small worried smile and sat on the bed next to her. "you know the holts" Pidge asked and keith nodded a little confused. Pidge told him everyone still scared he might run away or stop being her friend but she knew he had the right to know. 

"then I look forward to working with you Pidge" Keith smiled and held out his hand. "you still wanna be my friend, you be helping me hide from being a holt" Pidge said with worry. "we friends, you would so the same for me" Keith smiled. "thanks keith" Pidge smiled and hugged him. "plus I dont know anyone named Katie, I just know a shorty smartass called Pidge" Keith smirked. "oh really" Pidge giggled and the two laughed and chatted in the nurse room before the rest came to check on her after training. 

By My Side (Kidge - Keith x Pidge)Where stories live. Discover now