I shrug my coat off and unbutton my shirt, changing into a pair of sweatpants. There is nothing in my life I want to change right now. Except for the fact that I'm alone right now. I keep reminding myself that I will find her tomorrow, needing her again.

It's been a full month. A full, 31 days without my Reagan. Our time in England ended when she was called by her mother, whom was in need of her care. While her mother was in Georgia with her boyfriend, he had a heart attack and she couldn't bare the pain. Reagan left with my assurance, my eyes never seeing someone so torn before. She told me on the boat that she's falling for me and I watched her, her eyes closing as she tried to get me to say something. All I did was kiss her; my God did I kiss her. Her lips are so full and soft; the only kiss I've known that gives me so much feeling.

The night drags on and I just lay with her pillow against my nose, imaging if she were here again. I miss her so much; this relationship developing into something I've never had before. This is a real relationship that involves trust, commitment and...care. Reagan is more to me than I had ever thought she would become.

After dressing in jeans, a button up, and a leather jacket, I grab my bag and walk downstairs. Maria has taken the week off, per my suggestion, and I drive to my gate at the airport. The flight takes a few hours, my fingers typing out another manuscript in the time we approach Atlanta.

The drive to the beach house I rented out for the week is short and I drop off my bags, driving to the hospital her mother's boyfriend is in. After following the directions from the woman at the front, I knock on the door and walk in. The woman seated beside the man is most definitely the mother of Reagan. They are identical. The man is sleeping on the bed and he holds the woman's hand.

"Erebus," she smiles, my feet walking over to her.

"Please, call me Harry," I say, embracing her in her wanted hug. She smiles and tells me to call her Carol, my head nodding. Where is my girl?

"Is- Is Reagan here?" I ask.

"Yeah, she is in the maternity ward. She's helping the nurses," she tells me, my head nodding as I thank her. I walk upstairs, not knowing where I'll find my blue-eyed girl. Oh, how I miss her.

"Hi, is Reagan Albright around here?" I ask a nurse, her smile bright.

"Yes, she right in here. Beautiful girl," she beams, my head nodding because I know we're talking about the same person.

As I turn the corner, my eyes are met with a sight that flashes before my eyes. There she is. My Reagan. She's holding a little newborn with a pink beanie on the head, her blonde hair tied into a bun at the bottom of her neck. She calms the crying baby down in seconds, laying the baby in a little bed. She pulls her finger away from the baby's hand, my lips smiling at the sight. She's so beautiful.

I stand beside the door, waiting for her to walk out of the room. As she does, I wrap my arm around her waist and lift her into my arms. She clings onto me tightly for my movements are abrupt, my eyes closing momentarily as I relish in the feeling of her being in my arms again.

"Harry," she smiles as I set her down. She's tanner than ever, her beautiful skin radiating.

"I thought you weren't coming until later," she says, my lips kissing her cheek. She smells like cocoa butter. It's delicious.

"I had to see you. I missed you," I tell her, her smile broad and my lips curve.

"I missed you too," she says. Her lips press a small kiss to mine and I pull her closer, captivated by her. We step to the side in the hallway and she brings her hand to mine, my fingers latching through hers quickly.

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