Part 2: Chapter 22

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Newt nods and smiles, "without him... well, bloody hell we'd be dead."

Minho sighs, "but we're not, so that's all that matters."

From in the distance, sudden movement catches my eye, as Thomas races towards us crying out. "Teresa! WCKD!" He shouts, waving his arms around, "Watch out!"

Minho grabs my waist and yanks me away from the explosion as a missile is suddenly fired in our direction. I gasp as I see the WCKD helicopters, aiming their guns and firing at innocent people in the camp.

People scream and begin to run away as helicopters flood the sky. "Teresa did this?" I gulp, betrayal and anger filling my veins.

Thomas nods, "I don't know how she lead them here!"

"It doesn't matter now!" Newt shouts, "bloody hell!" He cries as the ground shakes.

The remaining gladers sprint towards the camp, helping injured people from the burning tents.

From a meter or two away, I see a motherly looking woman fleeing from the scene. She catches my stare as I run towards her.

"Please help me!" I plead, "Take my baby, I need to help the guys." I gesture to the gladers being handed rifles from Vince as he loads up a large machine gun.

She nods carefully, "please be careful though, the baby cannot be parentless at such a young age."

I smile down at Alex, tears filling my eyes at the sight of my barely months old son. "I will be back before you know it, thank you."

And with that, I send the kind woman on her way to seek refuge away from the chaos in the once safe camp.

I sprint towards the boys and load up a shotgun with ease. Vince smiles at me, and begins to blow the shit out of the helicopters.

The impact of the bullet leaving the shotgun rocked me to my core, but I continued to reload and repeat, unlocking the safety each time, and pulling back the trigger. Not before aiming of course.

Minho glances over to me in shock, before I catch his stare and send him a flirtatious wink. He smirks, and turns back to the WCKD guards who were now flooding out of the landed helicopters.

Minho aims, fires and reloads. I copy his actions as we both compete to take down the most guards.

But then it all happens so fast. The guards fire launchers the truck, and we all collapse to the ground in a fit of electricity and spasms.

Minho struggles against a guard's grip as we are rounded up in the middle of the burning tents, shoved onto our knees in ordered rows. Newt sends me a reassuring smile from a couple of gladers away, and it was then that I notice the lack of Brenda and Jorge.

I sigh, they were probably far away from here by now.

The winds whips my hair around and nips on the bare parts of my skin, following everyone's stares into the sky towards the berg coming into land.

The door falls open in a cloud of dust, and Janson steps out, a wicked grin plastered on his face. He glances at the subjects around his, crouched neatly in rows, and his eyes meet mine before he stalks to my side.

"Ah, Samantha." He taunts, smirking down at me with his ratty face. I want to throw up.

"I shall enjoy your company in the WCKD compound." He clicks his tongue, and rakes his eyes over my body.

"I swear to god, if you touch her you shuck rat, I will kill you, shank!" Minho threats, spitting in the ratman's face.

Ratman glares down at Minho, and raises his hand, before bringing it down and slapping Minho around the face. "Shut up."

Minho winces, but luckily backs down, beginning to tug at the restraints behind his back, and muttering a string of curse words in the process.

My eyes catch sudden movement in the path between the rows, as Teresa slowly makes her way towards Ava Paige, the woman who faked her very realistic death. It had us all fooled.

"Load them up." Ava mutters, barely audible, but loud enough to strike fear into my veins. We couldn't go back there.

The guards begin to force the teenagers into the berg, before Thomas leaps to his feet with a small device in his hands. Instantly guards surround him from all angles, pulling and tugging at the teen to release the bomb.

"Stand back! Everyone stand back!" He shouts waving the bomb and scrambling around in the sand.

"Lower your guns!" Janson orders, "Stand down!"

"Thomas no!" Teresa cries out, over the shouts and screams of Janson and Ava Paige.

"Let them all go!" He yells again, sweat pouring down his sandy forehead.

"Thomas! You know I can't do that." Ava Paige warns as the woman in white steps closer and closer to the shaking teen. "Thomas... everything can go back to the way it was, do you really want all of them to die?"

"Don't do it Thomas, think about what your doing." Janson snarks, earning a sharp glare from myself and Minho.

Thomas raises the bomb, tears threatening to fall as the gladers surround him, "we're with you Tommy." Newt nods encouragingly at the trigger.

"No, don't." Teresa whispers, staring at me in shock as I clutch Minho's hand in mine, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.

He smiles down at me, tears lining in his eyes, as my boyfriend kisses me for the final time.

And little did I know that it would be months until I ever saw him again.

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