Part 3: Chapter 10

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"Please, Tom, Please."

Thomas slowly wraps his hand around the necklace, shoving it into his pocket before they finally get me to my feet.

I cry out as my legs ache with each agonising step. "Come on, Sam. You can do this, give me everything you've got." Thomas mutters, loud enough to hear before Newt and Thomas, with both of my arms around their necks, support me through the blazing guns and fires.

I begin to shake again, each wave feeling like electricity through my small frame. The back liquid continues to pool from my mouth like drool, and my eyesight was becoming blurrier.

Finally, the boys stop in a dimly lit train station, with an open top roof.
And I crumble to the floor, losing complete control over my limbs. Gurgling, coughing and spluttering as I shake violently, thrashing around on the hard, concrete ground.

Newt rushes over to me, but cries out when I accidentally make contact with his face. "I'm sorry." I gasp out, as my eyes roll back into my head and the world goes dark for the final time.


Losing a loved one feels as though half of your heart is ripped out, leaving only a gaping void behind.

And seeing Sam thrashing on the floor broke my heart, completely.

Tommy rushes to her side, trying to hold down the petite girl as she flails aimlessly, completely unaware of her actions.

I could only imagine the pain that he was in. Losing Chuck. And now his sister, who was turning into a crank as we speak.

I leap to my feet, scrambling around as I glancing at the inferno beyond the trainstation. Where was Minho?

There is a moment of silence, that washes through us like a deadly plague, as Thomas stops crying for Sam.

The brunette teen was silent, and completely still. I gulp, as, after a long period of utter silence, she then rises to her feet. She coughs again, her head falling forwards before she turns, eyes meeting Tommy's, as she then strikes first.

"Sam!" Tommy shouts, trying to fight off the girl and also not harm her.

Sam claws and rips at Tommy's clothes, shoving on his chest and wrestling him to the ground.

Her eyes were glazed over with a dark haze, pure anger and insanity swirling in her now black orbs. She lunges for him again, but Tommy pushes her to the ground as she rolls over and onto her back, growling like a rabid animal.

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