Chapter Two (Hero? Or not?)

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The lunch bell rang and I wandered over to the gym/cafeteria. I pushed the navy blue doors open and the first person I saw was Mia, glaring at me. What did I even do to deserve this!? Come on, it’s not my fault Yoseob decided the save me. It was her and her dumb groupies who he saved me form. I walked into line and got my food, I have no idea what it’s supposed to be.  Now I just need a seat, so I padded calmly down the rows of round tables. I see everyone is watching me, I feel my face starting to blush. Boys scooted over to make room for me. I guess they think I am pretty but, I am not ad lest to me. Maybe I should sit next to them make a new friend. I saw a blonde haired, blue eyed boy look at me with predatory eyes. He patted the seat next to him, I stopped but I wasn’t going to sit down.

“Hey baby, I saved this seat just for you.” He cooed patting the seat again. I wondered how many girls he has dated.

“No thank you.” I said with a dazzling smile, “I much rather sit alone.” I think I heard a sigh but, it sounded in my head.  He stood up revealing his full height, he was about 6’3. Holly crap what if he tried to kidnap me?

“Now, c’mon baby, don’t be like that. I’m Zachariah, and may I say you look lovely Ruby.” Zachariah said, then a low growl pounded throughout my head. I looked at Zachariah confused, then around the gym. Where did that come from? I didn’t growl in my head.

“Let’s sit, get to know each other.” Zachariah said towing me to the seat that was ‘for’ me and probably every other girl he wants to trap.

“I said I am good.” I said yanking away from him.

“Ruby. Come on.” Zachariah said but, I was trying to quickly locate a seat so I don’t have to sit next to him. Then I saw Yoseob move over looking at me, as if it was a sign. He was telling me to sit here to get away from Zachariah. I smiled as pleasantly as I could at Zachariah and said.

“I think I have other seating arrangements.” I walked quickly over to Yoseob. Then Mia, why does she have to ruin everything, sat next to Yoseob. Then she said,

“Oh, you saved this seat for me!?” I silently cursed all of Mia’s friends and Mia. Zachariah seeing that my rescuer failed, swooped in.

“Too, bad I guess you’ll have to sit next to me.” He said happily, if he thinks he can brainwash me he is dead wrong. I reluctantly followed Zachariah to his seat, I gave Yoseob a desperate glance. Again I heard a sigh in my head and words.

“I’m sorry.”


Author's Note: I kow the youtube video dosn't excatly match the story but, help me dose. So what do you guys think of Zachariah? What about Ruby? How about Yoseob, do you think it's weird that he acts like his is Ruby's BFF already? Please comment. XD


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